I used the Cri-Kits embosser and metal along with the Happy Hauntings Cricut cartridge to create this Halloween sign.  The whole sign is at the end of this post.  😉  If you look at my video from 2 days ago, you’ll see how to use the Cri-Kits embosser.

Here are the things that I used:

Those Tim Holtz Tonic scissors do a GREAT JOB cutting metal and all kinds of other things.  I bought that photo frame at WalMart for about $3. 😉  I’ve just about worn out that Happy Hauntings cartridge this season.  LOL!  I love the purple Cri-kits metal.  Purple is one of my favorite colors.

Here’s the Cri-Kits embossing tool doing it’s job on the metal.  What I’ve done here is lay the purple side down and used the FLIP button on my Cricut Expression.  I’ve done that because I wanted to have the raised “Spooky” word on the purple side so I can sand it.  You’ll see that next.

Isn’t that COOL?!  Next I used that sanding tool to distress the metal and really bring out the word “Spooky”.

I  used my Gypsy to help me place exactly where I wanted the metal to be embossed.  The Gypsy was really important here because I first embossed the inside of the bat and then needed the Cricut to go back and line up perfectly to emboss the outside of the bat.  The Gypsy is the perfect tool for that. 🙂

Pretty nice!  Uh…I mean really creepy and spooky. 😉

Awww MAN!!!  I cut all 3 of the metal sheets too short.  Oh well.

The “spooky” panel doesn’t show it as much, but you can really tell on the orange metal.  Wait!  I know just what I’ll do.  I’ll stick a bow on it and people won’t notice because they’ll be distracted.  LOL!  (No, that doesn’t work entirely.)  Let me suggest the old adage, “Measure twice, cut once.”  Not my saying, “Cut cut cut until it looks right and then shout loudly at people when they get too close so they don’t notice your mistakes.”  I think my saying will totally catch on.

I hope you have a fun Halloween weekend!



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  1. I would really love to try this embossing on metal. Yours always turn out so nice. Love your video turoitals.
    angel hugs

  2. This is my favorite, you can’t even see your mistake. It is perfect. I really want this embossing stuff. Great Job, Thanks again Joy!!! Have a Super Spooky Halloween!!! Be Safe!!!

  3. That is so cool! I love how the metal looks after you sand it! And the finished project is FANTASTIC!

  4. LOve the look of the embossing on that metal. You did a great job and we cant see the inperfections. Silly ..lol. Hey thanks for sharing. This month has been great and Im sad to see it go. Im sure your not..lol Thanks again, Cindy

  5. I really like embossing…never tried it on metal…thanks for giving us a great month of inspiration and fun…I surely looked forward to your Halloween dailies…Must start doing more projects and having more fun myself!
    thomfam at inreach dot com

  6. What a great project! I said that I wasn’t going to buy anything until after Christmas because I have bought so much this year. But that may have to start next week. lol I really need that embosser. TFS

  7. I’ve been to afraid to try embossing metal but your slowing winning me over. I”m starting to get some ideas of projects I’d like to try. Thanks for the inspiration.

  8. Very spooky! I really want to try this embossing metal kit! You have so many great ideas – must be why I come back daily to visit.

  9. Joy, I had no idea this embosser existed and then you go and do the most amazing project!! I love it! And the way you took care of the fact that your panels were to short was brilliant! It looks like you planned it that way! Very cute!

  10. I love the purple spooky sign. Your video on embossing and cutting metal was very good and informative. tfs

  11. oh so cute! and at chritmas you can just trade it out for red and green ones with trees and such!

  12. I LOVE THIS!! I have to get the embosser and some metal. Would be really cool to do some stuff to hang in my new craft room. Thanks for the great ideas 🙂

  13. woooooooooowooooooooooooooo
    am I scaring ya Huh huh huh?
    just cracking me up.. or maybe I’m just going batty too!

    Great job!

  14. Wow Joy…you amaze me again! Love the sanded metal look! Who would have thought? Oh yea, you would! Love your comments on the pictures too!
    Thanks again!

  15. Love this idea! I’m always looking for wall decorations for every holiday! This may work for me…… 🙂

  16. very cool!! Love the bow! 🙂 So, here it is the end of October and still no cruddy crafts…guess I’m going to have to tell you again how great you are!

  17. Oh I love this!! Purple is my favorite and I love how you sanded it to bring out the embossing! I MUST get this tool!! There are these neat inventions called rulers, but for those of us who’ve never used one we cover things up with bows or in my case strips of paper (LOL!). You did a great job!

  18. Ooopsy! The project looks great, even if cut too small. Thanks for showing it. Thank You for a chance to win cool prizes. Thanks for all you do.
    quilt 4 fun 2 at hot mail dot com

  19. you just amaze me with all the creative things you make for the house! Thanks for all the fun this month!

  20. Great project! You’re not the only one with the ‘measure twice, cut once’ issue!! 🙂 TFS!

    ~Sharon C.

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