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Cricut Easter Cross with Hanger

I just love the way this project turned out!  I did use my Gypsy to weld a circle to the top of the cross from Cricut Easter 2010 cartridge, but you could tie a ribbon to the cross and have the same effect.

I made these 3 crosses using the Cricut Easter 2010 Seasonal Cartridge.

Here’s how I did it!!  First I welded a circle to the cross, using my Gypsy.  I did this because I wanted to hang the crosses up.  I hung some in the Half Craft and one in the window in the kitchen.  For the kitchen window, I used on of those stick on hooks that have a clear plastic sucker like back.  You know the kind I mean?

Oh, I LOVE that I’ve “gone green” with some of my crafting.  I made one of the crosses thick and solid by cutting two crosses out of this cereal box and gluing them together.  Then I covered them with paper crosses.

Settings Info for Cutting Cereal Box:

Deep Blade – 6
Speed – 1
Pressure – 4

I glued the cardboard together using Zip Dry Paper Glue.  I LOVE that stuff!  I glued the paper crosses to the cardboard using my Jumbo Zig 2 Way Glue pen.

I did all my gluing on a piece of computer paper.

Here’s a close up of the welded circle to the cross.  That circle is now my hanger!!

And now for the parade of Crosses…

The one above is all paper.

This one is from the cereal box and is hanging on the wall.

Here’s how thick the cereal box cross is.  It’s good to add the cardboard because it helps the cross stay flat.

Now that’s thick!

This cross is made only from paper.  I added Stickles to it and it curled up as it dried.  That’s another good reason to add a layer of cardboard.

Although the Stickles caused my paper cross to curl up, aren’t they pretty?  They make such a difference when added to projects.  I love them!

Well, I hope you enjoyed this project.  I think this is a beautiful cut on the Easter cart!

Have a Hoppy Day!!




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  1. Oh Joy i have to say,I love this project,I can make bookmarks out of the crosses,Joy Are there any other crosses on any other Cricut Cartridge,Besides the Easter Cartridge i dont have that one yet,I have to put this project right in front of mine and Christophers binder,Love it,Thanks Joy Joy, 🙂

  2. wowwwww. I love this!
    I’m thinking of the christmas stuff that could be done like that!
    I must buy more cereal! LOL
    I need to buy the Deep Blade!
    Thank you for sharing.

  3. What a lovely project, such nice details and I love how you used the cardboard.

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