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Halloween Vinyl Decorated Trick or Treat Bag – GIVE AWAY

Expressions Vinyl sent me some great vinyl to try out (and something great for YOU TOO!). 😀 Today I used their white iron-on (heat transfer) vinyl to create this fun bag for Halloween night!  You can make one too!

Here’s what I used:

You’ll need heat transfer vinyl and an iron for sure!  I used the Mini Monster’s Cricut cartridge for everything.  I bought the bag in a set of 3 at Hobby Lobby.  Did you know they have an online store too?  They do!  Ok, I know you see that mat says Pazzles.  Well, I don’t own a Pazzles machine, but I was curious if the Cricut could use their mats too.  The answer?  Yes AND no.  I had to cut it down to make it fit, but it works just like a regular Cricut mat.  Frankly, that was a rather boring experiment.  LOL!

Here I am cutting the iron on vinyl.  You have to cut it with the shiny side down AND use the flip button.  I teach you all about using heat transfer/iron-on vinyl (and lots of other vinyl too) in my Cricut Vinylology DVD.

AH HA!  He’s all cut out and weeded.  He’s a bit sticky from the mat, but he’s just fine and ready for some heat. 😉  He was cut at 8 1/2″ and is from page 48 in Mini Monsters.  When I’m just doing vinyl projects for myself, I only use an Exacto knife for weeding.  I used to work in a vinyl sign shop that’s what I did there. 😉

I’m using a Teflon sheet to cover the vinyl so I can iron it.  You need to put something over the vinyl before ironing directly on it.

I hope you like it!


EXPRESSIONS VINYL has donated a $25 Gift Certificate to ONE WINNER and also has a coupon “PUMPKIN” good for 10% off all purchases in October!  So, go do some shopping AND leave a comment below to be eligible to win the $25 gift certificate.  I’ll use Random.org to choose a winner on Friday, October 30, 2010.


# tas66 Says:
October 22nd, 2010 at 10:02 PM e
This is so cute. Thanks for sharing. I am suppose to go back to work next week , maybe I can get your DVD then. I want to play with iron on vinyl so bad.


I HOPE YOU HAVE A GREAT DAY with lots of treats!!

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  1. Oh how awesome is that bag! Love it!! I also love the prices on the vinyl at Expressions.
    angel hugs

  2. I love the idea of iron on vinyl. The whole vinyl thing is so new to me. Got your DVD now have to get me some vinyl LOL. Thanks for all your posts this month. I am enjoying them!

  3. I have lots of vinal, but only used it a few times. Ready to broaden my horiesun(sp)! How permant is the skeleton on the bag? Can it at least be hand washed and hung to dry without it coming off? I was thinking of making some Christmas (loot) bags this year for the grandchildren to take their gifts home from their visit!

  4. I wish I had seen the discount code before today! 🙁 I just ordered from Expressions Vinyl. Great prices and shipping was super fast. I am going to decorate a black cd/player radio to make it Batman radio for my nephew for Christmas.

  5. Another GREAT Halloween project! I am so inspired by everything that you do!!! Thanks for being so generous in sharing tutorials! Awesome!

  6. What a cute bag! I have tried vinyl twice and LOVE LOVE LOVE it. I didn’t know you could use it on fabric. Thanks so much for sharing!! I have learned sooooooooooooo much from your blog!

  7. I love working with vinyl, but haven’t found any locally! Thanks for the opp to win some!

    cal8007 at aol dot com

  8. My husband can’t believe all the new projects I have been doing! I am soo very happy to have found you… and now expressions vinyl!

  9. I thought I commented on this, but don’t see it here. sorry if this is duplicated….
    LOVE This project! I need to work on some vinyl projects…thanks for sharing!!!!

  10. sweet! Funny I was just looking for ideas for a halloween sack for my granddaughter. love my cricut!!!

  11. Joy, I am so amased at your creations. Youre talents never end. You are a lucky lady. Love this vinyl. I love my cricut. Thanx for all your marvolus videos.

  12. Hey, if I come to your House to Trick-or-Treat, can I get a bag too? It is about a 10 hour drive one way, does that count????? LOL This is so super cute, I need to make one for me!

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