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Rich's SeaPak Spring Rolls & Ginger Orange Cranberry Dipping Sauce Recipe #PakTheParty #PakTheParty #shop #cbias

When you’re taking holiday appetizers to a party you want everyone to “oooh” and “aaah” over your creation, don’t you?  You want them to think they’re super yummy and that you were brilliant to come up with them, right?  Of course!  The thing that often gets in the way is not having enough time to make something.  That’s why Rich’s SeaPak Spring Rolls make the perfect party snack.  They are fast, delicious and all you have to do is put them in the oven…and then take them back out.  Yay to that!

Rich's SeaPak Spring Rolls & Ginger Orange Cranberry Dipping Sauce Recipe #PakTheParty #shop #cbias

Here they are right out of the box.  Follow the cooking directions on the box and try not to eat them before they’re finished cooking.  They smell really good while they cook. 😉

Rich's SeaPak Spring Rolls & Ginger Orange Cranberry Dipping Sauce Recipe #PakTheParty #shop #cbias

I found my box of Rich’s SeaPak Shrimp Spring Rolls at Wal-Mart in the frozen food section.  The day I was there they were doing a demo for the Spring Rolls too.  Bonus!  I got to have my Spring Rolls and eat them too.

Rich's SeaPak Spring Rolls & Ginger Orange Cranberry Dipping Sauce Recipe #PakTheParty #shop #cbias
Right out of the oven!

Don’t these look delicious?  I really didn’t want to take photos.  I wanted to devour them.  I restrained myself though because I also wanted to show you this dipping sauce I made!

Ginger Orange Cranberry Dipping Sauce Recipe #PakTheParty #shop #cbias

The Spring Rolls come with a very good dipping sauce.  I just wanted to make an additional holiday option.  It’s almost as easy as making the Spring Rolls.  You have to try it!

Rich's SeaPak Spring Rolls & Ginger Orange Cranberry Dipping Sauce Recipe #PakTheParty #shop #cbias

Ginger Orange Cranberry Dipping Sauce

This dip is perfect for shrimp spring rolls as well as other "dipable" foods. It's fast, easy and inexpensive. Best of all, it tastes great!
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  • 14 oz can Jellied Cranberry Sauce
  • 1/8 tsp Ginger
  • 3 1/4 Tbsp Dijon Mustard Whole Grain not Smooth
  • 1 Tbsp Orange Juice
  • 1 1/2 Tbsp Brown Sugar


  • Add all ingredients to a bowl.
  • Whisk ingredients until well combined and mostly smooth.
  • Chill for 15-20 minutes for flavors to combine.
  • Serve.
Course Condiment

Rich's SeaPak Spring Rolls & Ginger Orange Cranberry Dipping Sauce Recipe #PakTheParty #shop #cbias

For an extra bit of flavor, use the zest of an orange.  Don’t grate the bitter white part, just use the rind which is the outside orange part.

Rich's SeaPak Spring Rolls & Ginger Orange Cranberry Dipping Sauce Recipe #PakTheParty #shop #cbias
Man hands! My husband is garnishing.

Drop the orange zest into your dipping sauce.  It’s pretty and adds a great flavor.

Rich's SeaPak Spring Rolls & Ginger Orange Cranberry Dipping Sauce Recipe #PakTheParty #shop #cbias

Add color by decorating your plates with parsley or leaf lettuce.  Use a mix of plate colors for even more holiday effect.

Did you know?  Ladies Home Journal mentioned SeaPak Shrimp Spring Rolls among “The 15 Best Frozen Appetizers to Serve at a Party”  They were also part of a segment on  the Today Show.

Rich's SeaPak Spring Rolls & Ginger Orange Cranberry Dipping Sauce Recipe #PakTheParty #shop #cbias

Wasn’t that easy?  Now comes the really good part.

Ginger Orange Cranberry Dipping Sauce Recipe  #PakTheParty #shop #cbias
My #2 son chowing down. He loves them!

You get to share it with friends and family!  Yum!

Happy Holiday Appetizer”ing”!

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  1. Love the Ginger Orange Cranberry Dipping sauce recipe. What a fun way to make these spring rolls festive for the holiday! #client

  2. Ahoy Joy! Hope you had a great Christmas!

    I’m always on the look out for good spring rolls and thought I would try the SeaPak Shrimp Spring Rolls for Christmas day snacking. They really are really, really good! They crisp nicely and the innards have nice pieces of shrimp. I made your cranberry sauce recipe and it was a gigantic hit! I used a horseradish coarse-milled brown mustard (Koops’ brand) and taste tested and decided to add some ground horseradish right from the jar, like I use for cocktail sauce. OMG! It was so good! Also, I didn’t have straight orange juice, I happened to have orange/pineapple/banana blend in my fridge and this worked too!

    So, for those of you who have that crazy can of jellied cranberry sauce sitting patiently in your pantry and don’t know what to do with it, this is the recipe for you! It’s one of the best dipping sauce recipes I have ever found. Just awesome Joy, thanks a mil!

    FYI, you can get a $1.00 off coupon for SeaPak products from their website: http://www.seapak.com/coupons-promotions

    1. Hi Kathleen!

      That’s awesome! I’m thrilled that you liked the recipe. 🙂 Your changes to it sound great too. I think I need to go buy some more and make this again while my daughter is home from college. She didn’t get to try it last time and I know she’ll love it. Plus, it’s so easy she can make it when she gets back to school. Thank you for letting me know how much you liked it!

      Happy holidays!

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