Stay Healthy Inside, When Outside

This #NaturalProbiotic shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper amplification for #CollectiveBias and its advertiser. This post is not a health care professional’s opinion. All opinions are my own.

Staying Healthy Inside When Outside with #InsyncProbiotics #Shop #Cbias

You can spot me in the Spring as soon as things start blooming.  I’m the one carrying an entire box of tissues and sneezing like a room full of men.  Sadly, I don’t rock the delicate sneeze.  I’ve been working to get physically fit since late January, so I can’t let my allergies and man sneezes keep me from staying active.  Working so hard to get my body in shape has made me focus a lot more on my overall health because what good is all the working out, if I’m not keeping other aspects of my health balanced?  Um, it’s no good.  So, along with trying to eat better, drink more water and move more.  I make sure that I take a multivitamin.  Recently, I’ve also been taking Insync natural probiotic as a dietary supplement.  I even stash an extra bottle in case I forget.

Staying Healthy Inside When Outside with #InsyncProbiotics #Shop #Cbias
Me & my daughter outside the Biltmore Gardens Conservatory in Ashville, NC last March. 
I swear I don’t wear my hair that way.It was sooo windy!
The only reason I’m not sneezing is that nothing was blooming outside yet!

It seems like while we’re all trying to stay healthy we’d want to prevent bacteria completely, right?  Well, it was just last summer when I had to take a lot of antibiotics for a root canal (which  went all kinds of wrong) that I learned (the hard way) the benefits of good bacterial.  You NEED good bacteria!  That’s why I take a natural probiotic.  I’m not letting anything keep me from my health goals or enjoying the Spring with my family.

Staying Healthy Inside When Outside with #InsyncProbiotics #Shop #Cbias

Besides going to the gym, I stay active outside.  I like to take walks and hike.  That’s me and my husband showing off our new shoes in the top left.  We’re enjoying one of our local parks.

Staying Healthy Inside When Outside with #InsyncProbiotics #Shop #Cbias

Spring means yard work!  It’s another great way we get exercise and end up with a decent looking yard.  This year we’re planting apple trees!  I hope they turn out well.

Staying Healthy Inside When Outside with #InsyncProbiotics #Shop #Cbias

I haven’t had a Costco membership in a while, so I decided to go there and get one.  They found me in the system and welcomed me back.  They were super nice.  DH went with me and we had a fun time browsing the aisles and making plans for what we were going to come back and buy.  This particular night we were headed out to dinner afterward, so we didn’t grab a cart.  I just loaded him down with a bunch of things instead.  LOL!

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  1. Spring is my favorite time of year for all of these reasons…except the allergies. I hate the allergies! I love my probiotics for helping me stay healthy on the inside. #client

    1. I totally agree, Janet! I might be a sneezing maniac but at least I don’t have to worry about my insides! #OneLessWorry 😉

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