My Fitness Journey: Beginning – I’m Working on Getting Fit

I shared here that I had plans to get fit.  The best thing about my plans was that I actually started doing them!  If you read that post I linked to a few sentence back, that’s explains how I got out of balance with my health and my feelings about getting back on track.  Now, the first thing you need to know is that I am a beginner.  This is the very start of my fitter, stronger, leaner journey.  I just started on January 21.  The first step was the hardest and it happened even before I went to the gym.  I had to buy some workout clothes because nothing I had fit.  That’s what I was talking about on this Facebook post I made.

Shopping at #Target for #Workout #Gym #Clothes

Is it difficult to buy clothes?  No.  It’s difficult to look at yourself in the mirror and see how out of balance you let things get.  It’s difficult to admit it, acknowledge it and do something about it.  (My first step toward healthy.)  It was difficult to have to buy the biggest clothing size I’d ever purchased for myself…but I did it.  I made sure I was comfortable in the clothes and that the fit was good.  Did I look awesome?  No.  It didn’t matter.  Everyone has to start somewhere and this is where I was.

Working on Getting Fit #workout #gym #exercise #getfit

At my local gym, I hired a trainer.  I meet with him three times a week.  I’d seen what happened when I try to run my own athletic show and it wasn’t working out.  I needed  help learning the right forms and techniques.  I also needed a good workout routine and nutrition plan.  My trainer provides that.  I meet with him 3 days a week and will eventually cut it to 2 and then 1 after I’m able to keep form and have reached my goals.  The first time I met with him we talked about my goals, overall health and what got me to this point.  We did a short workout that day.  January 23 was my first full workout.  I found out that I like Kettlebell squats.

My Goals

My goals are about strength and overall health and fitness.  Do I know what number my weight should be?  Yes.  I checked those BMI charts when I was in my doctors office.  According to that, I should weigh about 125…and I don’t care.  Well, that’s true and not true.  Look, I know that when I am somewhere in that zone, my weight will be in line with my height.  However, muscle weighs more than fat, so will I weigh 125 when I call myself fit?  I have no idea.  I weighed 125 -130 from my 20’s- late 30’s.  I had almost no muscle.   (BTW, I’m in my early 40’s now.)  So, I’m not going solely for a number.  It’s just not my mark of fitness.  This is…

Working on Getting Fit #workout #gym #exercise #getfit #fitness #goals

By June 2014, I want to be able to walk these 425 steps down to the base of a waterfall and back up…like a boss.  I don’t want to have to rest, stop or catch my breath.  I just simply want to walk it and enjoy it.  By the way, there are several hundred steps prior to reaching these that I have to go up and down too, they just aren’t strenuous.  Then, as a reward to myself,  I want to take this 5 mile hike with my family, to the Hike Inn, spend the night and hike back out the next morning.  Before the end of 2014, I want to participate in 2 “fun run” walk/run events.  I  know that’s a small goal but I’ve never done it.  Those are my first goals and my first measures of fitness.  As I move toward and complete those goals, I’ll create some new ones.

My Micro Goal Celebrations

Many celebrations are centered around eating.  That’s why I’ll soon be embarking on learning new recipes and incorporating them into my life so that they seem as second nature as some of my fattier recipes.  So…as I reach some of my goals, I’ll be treating myself with different things.  For example…my current gym clothes are black pants, black shoes and a grey shirt.  As I get fitter, I’m going to add a little color.  It may seem like a super tiny thing but it’s a cool thing to me.  I have to tell you, those pants I bought at Target on January 20 started slipping yesterday.

Working on Getting Fit #workout #gym #exercise #getfit #fitness #goals
The tangible intangibles.

YAY!  This means I get to go get a smaller size soon.  After my first 10 pounds is gone, I’ll add a new color shirt and maybe get a flashier pair of shoes.  I know I said I’m not concentrating on a weight number but there is no denying that I have to lose pounds.  I’m also paying attention to my body fat ratio.  I want that in a healthy zone.  I’m going to create some strength and aerobic goals too.

It’s Contagious

I love working out.  I especially love cardio.  My favorite machine is the treadmill.  I hate the standard elliptical.  I love the xRide xR6000 by Octane Fitness.  Those are my favs.  To each their own, right?  My husband loves the elliptical.  What a weirdo.  LOL! 😉

Working on Getting Fit #workout #gym #exercise #getfit #fitness #goals

Since I’ve been going to the gym, my husband has gone every time I have.  He goes at a different time, depending on his schedule but he’s been going.  He said the best thing ever.  He said that I inspired him.  Me?  I’ve just been going a short time.  It really meant so much to me though.  My sons have even joined him for a few workouts, though they have other sports and team workouts.  I like that going to the gym is rubbing off on my family more as a typical day instead of an occasional activity.

We’re Supportive AND Competitive

My husband’s parents gave him a Fitbit for Christmas.  I wasn’t really understanding the whole Fitbit thing until he surprised me with one the other day.

Working on Getting Fit #workout #gym #exercise #getfit #fitness #goals

I’ve been wearing it since January 24 and I love it!  I use it’s app on my phone to check my stats.  I log all the food I ate on the computer Fitbit site.  He also got us the Fitbit scale.  I like it because it syncs with the app and computer.  I’m able to log my weight and body fat and see how I’m trending.  What’s making the two of us competitive is that you can add your Fitbit wearing friends and you’ll get ranked as to how many steps you’ve taken that week.  Yep.  I beat him last night.  FOR THE FIRST TIME.  Sweet.  Also, I got a badge yesterday for walking 10,000 steps in a day for my first time.  I helped him get that badge last week, when it meant that we needed to walk around the block another time for him to get the 500 more steps he needed to reach 10,000 for the day.

Working on Getting Fit #workout #gym #exercise #getfit #fitness #goals #fitbit
Yep. Nailed it.

The next badge is for 15,000 steps in a day.  What I really like about the Fitbit is that it makes me competitive with myself.  I can see how much I moved each day.  Knowledge is power.

Alright.  That’s enough about my journey today.  I’m headed to the gym with my son for some cardio.  Then I’m going to a  rubber stamp craft show.  Awesome.

Have a great day!

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  1. This is so AWESOME Joy!! You have some realistic goals and I know you will achieve them! I am going back to Boston again this year to run the marathon again. I have to conquer my fears after going though what I did last year! Dane is coming with me again :). He has also been working out and has lost 30 lbs.! So awesome! We are doing the St. George Half Ironman together on May 3rd. It’s going to be epic!
    Sounds like things are going awesome for you and your family! So happy for you!
    Happy trails!

    1. Peg,
      I’m so happy to hear from you! Thank you so much for the encouragement. I’m so glad to hear you are going back to run the Boston marathon again. You are so strong to conquer your fears. You are inspirational. I will be rooting for you, that’s for sure! <3 That's wonderful about Dane! The Half Ironman?! Holy cow!! We're going to aspire to be like you guys. That is truly something to admire. I'm so happy for you both. Awsome, awesome AWESOME!
      Super hugs,

  2. Thank you for being such an inspiration. Yes, it is hard to buy those bigger clothes, but soon you won’t need them anymore and they will just be a memory AND inspiration when you need them.

    Coming at you from the SITS Comment Love Tribe!

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