I want to thank everyone who applied to be on the March – May 2012 Joy’s Life Design Team!  It was so nice to hear from you all and to have the opportunity to enjoy so many terrific blogs and see so much creativity.  Thank you, thank you, thank you for applying!  Receiving your applications was an honor.  I’m sorry I can’t take everyone that applied.  I hope you will join me in welcoming the new Joy’s Life Design Team:

Welcome & Congratulations Design Team!!

Ashley: http://theglamoroussideofscrapping.blogspot.com

Amy: http://redheadedcrafter.blogspot.com

Jennie: http://earthyscrap.blogspot.com

Julie: http://www.cricutchick.com

Laura: http://www.laurascraftsandmore.com

Lori: http://got2bcrafting.blogspot.com

Megan: http://thoughtsoftraveling.blogspot.com

Nina: http://waffleflower.com

Patty: http://craftykitten1.blogspot.com

Sarabeth: http://www.chroniclesofsarita.blogspot.com

Stacey: http://staceyscreativecorner.blogspot.com

Susie: http://www.thedieshaveit.com

In a few weeks, the whole team will be ready to get started! In the meantime, keep checking in on the Design Team blog each Wednesday in February.  I’ll be sure to post something there myself! 😉

There’s a GIVE AWAY going on now on the Design Team blog: Click here to go to that post.


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  1. Congratulations!! I can’t wait to see what you do with Joy’s Life stamps. You’re going to love being on the team!!

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