Jan 19 Begins Joy’s Life.com 7 Days of Give-A-Ways!!

Isn’t he cute?!!  I took that photo myself. πŸ˜€

I’m so excited about this week of Give A Ways!  Are you?  Well, we start tomorrow and go for 7 days. πŸ˜€  The way we’ll do it is that you’ll leave a response under each give-a-way post in order to be eligible for that day’s give away.  Easy, right?!  Totally!  In order to leave a comment, you have to be a registered user.  So, go up to the right hand side of the page here…where it says “Hey, Join Me!! Click Register…” and uh, click register. πŸ˜€

I’m looking forward to tomorrow!

Right after the 7 days of Give-A-Ways here on Joy’s Life, I’m going to begin a Valentine/Love craft related post a day until Valentine’s Day!! πŸ˜€  Fun Fun Fun!!!

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  1. I’m excited! Looking forward to seeing what you will be giving away. I’m sure I will love it whatever it is πŸ™‚

    1. You’re welcome!! I’m glad you’re all enjoying the Give-a-Ways!! πŸ˜€ I’m having fun too! I love reading everyone’s comments. You’re all so nice! πŸ™‚

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