This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Miracle-Gro Organic Choice. All opinions are 100% mine.

In our family, each year we imagine that we’re living on a farm, even though we’re really just in a subdivision and our fields for planting are raised bed gardens that we made.  In the Spring, we plan our crops and are so excited to watch their growth up close as well as lazily from our kitchen window.  If you stand at the kitchen sink during breakfast, lunch or dinner you can be sure that someone will come by and comment on how well the tomatoes are growing, or will ask you if you noticed that the beans started sprouting and will then point in their direction.  To me, it’s truly a miracle to be able to produce our own food because it grows our bodies and our spirits.  There’s just something about working together to create things that everyone can enjoy that bonds you. It’s so beautiful to me.

Our Yard and Garden Spring Plans Give Me Green

You can see our two raised beds above.  The picture on the left is from last  week and the picture on the right is from late last Spring.  Right now, we’re in the process of getting some new dirt for our beds.  The dirt in the photo above is what’s left after cleaning out the beds from  last year.  Plus, I think our dog dug those holes.  LOL!

We’re going to add some Miracle-Gro Organic Choice to the beds.  Because we eat the food we produce, it’s important for the products we use to be organic.  We also don’t want to use anything that isn’t good for the environment, so organic things appeal to us.

JoysLife Nachos from the Garden

Last year we planted a nacho garden.

Well, it didn’t start off that way but that’s some of what you’re looking at. It was so fabulous and delicious that we plan to do the same thing again this year!  These nachos are topped with fresh tomatoes and peppers from our garden and the salsa is also made from our harvest!  If you want to plant a nacho garden just like ours plant: Atkinson and Solar Fire tomatoes for the top of the nachos, Better Bush and Roma tomatoes and Hot Banana and Jalapenos peppers for the salsa and to top the nachos.

You can buy Miracle-Gro Organic Choice at major retailers.

Happy planting!

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  1. I love to garden too and have been considering raised beds as well. I noticed in your picture that you used landscape timbers for one of the raised beds. I just thought you might want to reconsider the use of the timbers, especially if they are treated, (most are) as the chemicals used to treat the timber are toxic.

    1. Excellent points about using landscape timbers, Cheryl! We’re using untreated cedar that’s made to look like landscaping timbers. The other one that we built is just pine. I’m so glad you brought that up though! I wouldn’t want someone to think that using treated timber was a good idea. Ack!

  2. Hi Joy,

    You made me hungry with that picture, but what a great idea. I noticed you wrote Scotts Organic Choice, but your picture shows Miracle Grow. I hope you keep us posted with the progress.

  3. Hey there Blue Rose!

    Good eye on that! It turns out that Scotts full company name…that I found here is ScottsMiracle-Gro Company. They sell the Organic Choice under the names Scotts Organic Choice and Miracle Gro Organic Choice. Sorry I was confusing! You made an excellent point. 🙂 I’ll be sure to report back on what we plant and how it goes! 🙂 Have a super day!

  4. I’m so anxious for the spring planting season to start, but they’re forecasting snow for us again on Tue!
    lovin’ the idea of a nacho garden Joy, thank’s for sharing what tomatoes you used! We enjoy trying new varieties!
    Have a great week!

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