Welcome to “The Half Craft”!
I know I said a Valentine/Love post a day until Valentine’s Day, but I’m hoping you’ll let me slide by today while I just claim that pink vinyl should qualify as Valentine. Can I get a ruling on that? 😛 Any more votes? Ok, I see that the vote is unanimous with an “it’s just fine” going to Joy. Awesome! I knew you’d understand! 😀
I just LOVE this pink vinyl, so I thought that ye ‘ole Half Craft could use a little love. Initially, I was going to use the lettering for a different project, but I forgot I wanted to flip the wording so the sticky side would be on top. Oh well…then there was this wall nearby so … TA DA!!
I really like it. I used Cursive 101 for the lettering, which I welded together in my Gypsy. The small flourishes come from Home Accents and the large one comes from Home Decor. Even DH thinks it looks good, which is saying something because we share an office (and this lettering and pink vinyl is kinda girly). Now do you understand why I call it the 1/2 Craft? Yep. I only have 1/2 of the room. 😛 Luckily, we are good office mates, so it works out. However, when he’s not here I use his desk for an extra work surface. That means he often has any number of craft supplies he has to move when he returns. Hee hee hee…I mean, oh…that’s so sad. LOL
You made me laugh out loud. Looks great; too funny.
I love this… Have yet to try vinyl, just may have to this weekend.. Great Job!!
Thanks, Ladybug! 😉
Looking at older posts today Oct. 21, 2010 and wish i could see how you got it up there so nicely. Love the post…you crack me up!
Oh, Joy —- you are such a……….joy!!!! (tee-hee) Love saying that!!! But….it’s oh so true!!
You had me GMBO over the: – “Hee hee hee…I mean, oh…that’s so sad. LOL” 🙂