1st Card Using Spongebob Cricut Cartridge…

Ok, this is NOT my best card ever, but DS#1 DID have a great time the other day when his friend’s Dad took his DS, my DS#1 and another friend to the waterpark for the day.  Big thank you and thumbs up to that.  So, I made the Dad this card for DS#1 to give as a thank you.

That Spongebob cart is a PITA!!  Well, I’m not used to doing layers and this dude had a lot of them.  I see I didn’t even do him quite right as I am still learning what color goes where and what layer I should be doing.  It’s so confusing!

For little pieces / tiny layers:

I suggest getting a Tweezer Bee if you’re going to be dealing with little pieces of paper OR with heat embossing OR with Stickles…well, there are a lot of uses for the Tweezer Bee, so you really ought to get one.  It looks like this:

I used it today to hold all those little Spongebob parts and to put glue from my Zig 2 Way glue pen on the pieces.  Then I used it to carefully place the pieces.  I usually use my fingers, but this was a job for the Tweezer Bee.  (Da da da!! — that was super hero music).  Oh, I used it to place a piece that I had just put Stickles (glitter glue) all over too.  Very useful.

LOVE this Cuttlebug Folder:

I have fallen in LOVE with the Tiny Bubbles Cuttlebug folder.  It’s so versatile!  I’ve used it on coffee cards where they are reminiscent of coffee beans and here on the ole’ Sponge because he…lives in a pineapple under the sea.  Oh, and because it was thanks for the waterpark.  Tiny Bubbles on blue = water bubbles.  Cool.

Where to find Spongebob Yellow Paper?

Speaking of the Sponge.  I am having a terrible time finding yellow paper.  I went to Archiver’s the other day and they only had ONE SHEET!!  What?!  Bizarre.  Anyway, I bought it and that’s what I used to make Bob.  Now to stalk Archiver’s until they get more in.  I found a good color that I think would be perfect from Stampin’ Up (Yoyo Yellow), but I just placed an order with them a few weeks ago and just can’t bear to make another order just for paper.  (Which would never happen, because I would add a ton more stuff to my order and I’m trying not to do that.)  Suddenly stalking Archiver’s seems much more thrifty.

Recipe for Spongebob card:

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  1. Oh, and more and more I am thinking I need some sort of embossing thing. Probably the Big Shot. 🙂

  2. Looks great! I had BIG plans to do all sorts of stuff with Hello Kitty at my daughters party but I could not get into all the piecing…I’m not patient enough for that!!!

  3. Stinkin’ cute!! I’ll have to get that bubbles folder (or maybe I have it and don’t even know). I agree about the tweezers too-I have several pairs of reverse tweezers that I keep handy for putting on those small parts.

    1. Hi Jami! I made the glitter swirlies using a product called “Stickles”. It’s a wonderful glitter glue that comes in small bottles and all kinds of colors. You’re gonna LOVE it!! Then I just outlined the circles and swirls that I’d already embossed using the Spots & Dots and the D’vine Swirl Cuttlebug folders.

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