SWEET!!  Blinged Out Ice Cream!

Yesterday I showed you how to create this ice cream cone using the Cricut Sweet Treats Cartridge.  After I finished that, I just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to fancy up my little naked cone!  Cards and creations look fine without any extras, but often they look even better with some glitter and glitz, right?

I used Frosted Lace, Fruit Punch and Cotton Candy Stickles on the ice cream.  The cone already had some glittering on it from the fancy paper I used.  Here’s what I learned!!!  You can Stickle things and then use Diamond Glaze over them while the Stickles are still wet!!  That’s just what I did on that blue ice cream!  Remember how gross it looked with my inky fingerprints on it?  Well, I figured I had nothing to lose, so I added Frosted Lace Stickles and then filled the whole blue scoop in with Judikins Diamond Glaze.

The reason my little pink ice cream drip isn’t covered in Diamond Glaze is because I had it popped up with a small pop dot.  Guess what else?  The Diamond Glaze went right under the drip and didn’t harm the pop dot at all!  (Clearly, I’m just soooo amazed.)  So, I just wanted to share that find with you.  I think I’m going to cover the bottom pink scoop in Diamond Glaze now.  Any minute now someone is going to pop in here and command, “Step Away from the Diamond Glaze!”

Here are some other projects where I used Diamond Glaze

See this post if you don’t know what Stickles are:

Happy Crafting!

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  1. I love stickles! I always check when I go to Archiver’s to see if they have any new colors in stock. I am afraid to order them online, that I would not be able to control myself. XD
    The ice cream is cute. This cartridge is another one of my weight loss goal treats. (treats- ha). Can’t wait to get it.

    1. Jan, when I was posting those links for the Stickles on Amazon…I bought FOUR. 😛
      LOL!! Well, I needed them. 😐 I didn’t have purple!! How can I NOT have purple? Then there was that new kind I haven’t tried yet…the “Signature Series Glitz” Stickles. How could I say no to those? Well, next thing I knew…I had 4 on the way. Sooo…if I just waited to buy them until I went to Archiver’s that would be a much smarter plan. LOL!!

  2. I have got to get some diamond glaze now!!!! Is it sold anywhere like a local craft store or do you have to get it online? Love your ice cream cone and Thx for the tutorial on layering. CarolH 🙂

  3. I recently bought several bottles of stickles at Archiver’s for cards and must get busy making these cards (shabby chics). I’ve been looking for the Diamond Glaze for another card. I love experimenting with new products. Now I’ve found this website for more ideas and the tips for using them. Where can I find the diamond glaze? WEll, I’ve got to go and start reading all of these tips you have for me to learn some more!! I’m glad that I found your site.

    1. Nurse80, I’m so glad you found my site and I’m happy you’re here! The Diamond Glaze can be difficult to find. I bought it in Michael’s once and then couldn’t find it again. If you click on the link I have in this post, it will take you to some Diamond Glaze that you can buy online. Now, I haven’t yet used this product (but I’m going to soon), but you might try Ranger’s Glossy Accents . I hope that helps! 😀
      P.S. The Diamond Glaze can also be found at Scrapbooking Alley.com. Go to the side of my page and you’ll see a link for them. 😉

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