Family Night Halloween Lights + ANNOUNCEMENT

It’s SuperJoy!!  (Really it’s the Headless Horseman.)

Sometimes SuperJoy has to leave the SuperLair.  Last night DH, the kids and I all put on our super capes and climbed into the SuperJoy mobile.  ZOOM!! WHIZZ!!  We blasted off down the street to the light show at the lake to regions unknown.  Now, I know this isn’t exactly a crafty post, but it IS Fall/Halloween based.  Also…in lieu of a specific craft I’d like to say that I worked on something else crafty that we can all use!  THREE SETS OF STAMPS!!  I’ll be able to show you photos later today or tomorrow. 😀  So…that’s all the crafty I had time for today. 😉  I hope you understand.

And now to distract dazzle you with photos!

My favorite lights!!  “Bark at the Moon”.

I’ll get you my pretty!!  And your little craft supplies too.  (Ok, that was too evil.)



You know you’re supposed to sing that to the original Spiderman song, right?  Ok…moving on.

Well, we had a really nice time eating some candy corn and enjoying a break from the rain that poured all day.  Best of all, I got to spend time with my SuperFamily and that’s what makes me really happy.  I hope you have a chance to make some fun fall memories with your friends and family.  Now it’s time for me to get crafty again!  I can’t wait to show you the stamps!!

I hope your day ROCKS!

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  1. awww…I miss seeing light shows like that! They don’t have those in the South, at least not around where we live. Glad you had a blast!

  2. Wow I love the lights and that tunnel was awesome. My hubby and I and visiting 5 year old grand daughter went out too, we got a new (new to us) Tahoe and went to dinner she has to leave tomorrow. But don’t feel bad about the crafting cause seriously i don’t know how you have managed to keep up with all you do on here for the last 28 days. I tip my craft Iron to you. lol

  3. My kids would love those lights (and so would I!). What a great way to spend time with your family! When I saw that first light display I thought maybe you’d gone a little nuts and made a light sculpture of yourself! (I’m not kidding!). Thanks for sharing the pics!

  4. Joy this light show looks amazing, I wish we had something like this over here. Thanks for sharing your photo’s.
    Kim xXx

  5. The lights are great….thought of Light Brights at first.
    quilt 4 fun 2 at hot mail dot com

  6. Nothing like a little quality time with the family! I just returned home from 3 soccer games this morning….and guess who’s drinking pumpkin coffee to warm up???!!!

    ~Sharon C.

  7. I love the lights! What a great display! Do they do this at Christmas, too? In Buffalo they had a beautiful festival of lights with places all over the world represented for Christmas.

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