You CAN Use Sizzix Dies in the Cuttlebug
After using the Sizzix Create-A-Bow (that’s a link to it on Amazon) in my Sizzix Big Shot in these two posts POST 1 and Post 2, I had a lot of questions about whether or not the dies could be used in the Cuttlebug. They can!
Here’s how:
First put in the B plate, then add your die face UP, lay your paper over than and then sandwich the other B plate on top of that. You’re all ready!
Now you roll it through. If you’re new to using dies in your embosser I want to prepare you for the fact that the newly pristine and lovely B plate that goes over the top of your die will soon be cut up, marked, marred and otherwise ugly. Don’t worry about it. You haven’t done anything wrong and there’s no way to keep them looking pretty except not to use them. If it really bothers you and you’d like to have them clear for your embossing only uses, you’ll have to buy an additional set.

Those words say, “Wishes, wishes.” They’re left over from this project.
After cutting out 5 sets of bow pieces I decided that this time I would try making a smaller bow by leaving out the 5 largest pieces. It works just fine! I suggest using a double sided for best results. Thick cardstock doesn’t work as well as paper because it wants to crease. Each time you make a cut you also get those buttons. I think that’s a great added bonus because I was actually considering buying a Martha Stewart button punch, but when I looked at it on Amazon it had gotten bad reviews. I kept going back and forth and … well, now I don’t need it! 😉

I used a brad to hold the leftover pieces together. Next, I used a red Copic marker to color the brad from that boring brass to red! 😀

I thought this looked pretty and has many functions. You can use it as candles in a scrapbook or on a card. Use it to give some interest to a page or as a picket fence. I’m actually using mine as a bookmark or you could have 5 bookmarks if you take them off the brad. 😀

Now for the Give Away!
I bought this for my give away because I love mine!

It’s a Cuttlebug with all those accessories! FUN!! Super Friends please leave a comment to be entered for a chance to win. How can you become a Super Friend? Just register so you can leave a comment…that makes you a Super Friend! I’ll announce the winner on Monday, Dec 2o. Good luck and thank you for being here!
And the Winner IS:
# carrie Says:
December 14th, 2010 at 12:16 PM
What a fabulous give-away! Thanks for the chance to win. I am so glad I discovered your site. I love the Cricut info that you share. Enjoy seeing Zippy in your picture presentations and he looks so cute dressed for the holidays.
AWWW, Zippy looks so cute! Glad he’s back and out of the dog house! Thanks for more great ideas and a super giveaway!
Happy Holidays to you and Zippy! He looks adorable in his Santa outfit. Have you told Zippy Santa what’s on your wish list? I would love a Cuttlebug for Christmas. I have the old Sizzix, the one that weighs a lot and has the pull down lever handle. Since I got my Cricut I really only use it for embossing so i have to improvise since i can’t find the proper spacers for it. I also don’t have a craft room set up yet and I hate lugging it around.
Great Super Friends giveaway & Zippy looks too cute in the Santa suit! Hope I am on Santa’s Good list…I sure would Love one of the Great Cuttlebugs!
Thanks for a great blog to follow!
OH look at Zippy…so cute!! I would love to win a cuttlebug!! Pick me Pick me!!! Thanks for all the great projects you share!
[email protected]
Love they ideas!!
What a great giveaway!!! I love Zippys Santa suit. Even though he bought it without your permission I think it was a great buy!!! <3 the Cuttlebug…Fingers crossed I get picked!!
Aaaw, I LOVE Santa Zippy!!! He is super cute! Thanks for sharing how to do the Sizzix dies in the Cuttlebug. I really want that bow making die, now I know I can buy one with the confidence that I WILL be able to USE it!!!! Thanks, Joy!
OMG…what an awesome giveaway Joy! I would LOVE this machine and would gladly post a project for you with it.
Thanks so much for the chance to win!
~Coo-Coo Cricut
Oh, another great giveaway! I’ve been wanting a Cuttlebug soooo bad! I hope Santa Zippy will grant my wish? Thanks for the opportunity to win! Also, I love the demo on the Winter Lace snowflake. I just bought that cart and now I can experiment with acrylic!
I have enjoyed your site this year and look forward to 2011. I have gotten so many ideas from you. Wishing you, your family and Zippy a Very Merry Christmas and Happy Neew Year.
What a great giveaway! Thanks for an opportunity to win! 🙂
Zippy is just too cute and festive! Merry Christmas! Thanks for a great year and all of your great ideas. Love your blog!
Zippy is really cute but quite mischievous, isn’t he? Have you kept your eye on him? I think he snuck into my house and onto my computer and did a little online shopping here, too.
Would LOVE the Cuttlebug! What an awesome must have too. If I don’t win I do hope Zippy ordered one for me! 🙂
Would love to win a Cuttlebug, but your timing is wonderful, I was looking for a tutorial for the bow. Will be doing a birthday blog hop and wanted to use one on part of my project. Thanks for sharing your wonderful ideas.
How did I miss your bow post? Busy month I guess. Zippy is cute my grandkids love those zsu zsu’s why am I surprised someone makes clothers??? I’ll have to check that link too. Thanks Joy
Oh please pick me to win this cuttlebug. I have wanted one for so long now. im going to buy my nephew a Zsu Zsu pet for Christmas today. Enjoy yours
Zippy has good taste! 😉 Thanks for sharing your ideas with us all year long. We all appreciate what you do! I hope you have a wonderful holiday season.
love the bow idea. appreciate all your great ideas. cuttlebug would be a great addition to my collection of toys. i have the purse unit used for embossing but definatly need to upgrade to the cuttlebug. 🙂
Dear Joy,
You always share such great information! Thanks so much for a chance to win this wonderful Cuttlebug prize.
Merry Christmas!!!
With Warm Regards,
Carol Broney
What an awsome giveaway!!!!! Hope I win! I have 3 very creative grandchildren who I would love to have Cuttlebug party’s with weekly!
You’re so creative Joy, and I LOVE reading about the adventures of Zippy! He’s adorable in his Santa suit! Have a very blessed Christmas!
What an awesome giveaway!! Thanks for the chance to win! You have such great ideas! Thanks for sharing! 🙂 Merry Christmas!
Wow!!! Where do you find the time and motivation to create all of this!!! I really enjoy looking at all of your creations!!!! (it is starting to motivate me, now!!!!!!)
Would love to win a Cuttlebug. I do not own one and I love all the amazing embossing folders that are out there!
Joy, Love your site, I learn so much from you. Thank you for all you do for us. I would love to win this, I think the embossing on cards is so pretty and adds so much dimension. Merry Christms
I love all of your stuff Joy thanks so much for sharing with all of us! I would love to win the blue cuttlebug thanks for a chance!
Grandma and I just adopted “Midnight” who must be a cousin to Zippy! He’s come home to be playmates with my kittens, Michael and Bailey. Fun to watch them all play together! I love all of your projects and would love to win this Cuttlebug. Many, many thanks for all of the fun and inspiration you provide to us all. And, for all the goodies we can win, too! Kelly
Just love your Blog!!! Zippy is a Cutie!! Thanks for sharing your projects with us.
I would love to be able to make my own bows! How cool! Thanks for the chance to win!