This would be the perfect gift for ME! I’m always stealing DH’s socks. 😀
This is the gift that you saw in the Easter Bucket gift holder that I made for my SIL. Here’s the link to that post. Remember I told you that her birthday is actually on April Fool’s Day (poor thing) and so I just had to make a cute little “joke gift”? You know that joke that goes, “Hey this looks like a cupcake but really it’s socks.” Yeah, that joke just never gets old. LOL.
This is such a cute idea. Too bad I didn’t come up with it! If you look around you’ll find tons of tutorials for this project going back years and years. So, there’s no right way to do this, just make it the way that works for you. You can even make this with baby socks…I’ve seen it done a bunch and it’s cute!
Here’s What you Will Need:

That useless crown container on the left holds the cupcake. I think I cut it at 4″, but you can adjust it based on your socks. I couldn’t find really fluffy socks this time of year, so I bought these Dr. Scholls spa socks at WalMart. They have little “no slip” pads on the bottom so I turned the socks inside out. “No Slip” pads look stupid on a cupcake, even a fake one. Then I put the two socks together, one on top of the other, and rolled them up. You might want to secure them with a rubber band at the bottom OR you might not. It’s up to you. I made these way in advance of SIL’s b’day and I didn’t want them to come undone in the interim, so I rubber banded them. I think it’s probably a good idea. However, some people have rolled the socks a little differently and used one sock to hold the other sock in place. I can’t tell you how to do that, because I haven’t tried it, but it’s possible.

Here we are at the top of the cupcake. Hello down there!
After you’ve gotten your sock cake all rolled up and secured, you just adjust the layers so they look like frosting. That little hole in the middle is where I stuck my fake cherry. You can find “fake cherries” which are really known as Pom Poms, in your local craft store. A pack of 8 really big ones cost me about a dollar. 😉 Also, I think the ones I got are too big, but … whatever. It’s done now. LOL

So…TA DA!! A fake cupcake that’s make out of socks! Also, it looks like soft serve ice cream so you could put a plastic spoon in it, wrap it up and give that. Wouldn’t that be cute accompanied with a gift card to a ice cream place? Or…maybe that’s just really twisted to give someone socks that look like food and then give them a gift card to go buy their food elsewhere. Hmmm…
Oh well, you know what I say? You can eat ice cream and/or cupcakes and no matter how much you eat…a gift of socks will almost always fit. LOL!
Happy Crafting!!
Joy Joy,What A Sweet Idea,They Look To Good To Wear,Awesome job My Friend,: )
A very cute idea! Love it in the cupcake wrapper. Thanks! 🙂
this is super cute. Totally going to make some of these for Christmas gifts!
Very Sweet! We sell something similar at work… they are jelly rolls, wedge shaped cake and cupcakes made from washcloths… maybe those ideas can be incorporated somehow too.
I LOVE this idea…Toooo cute.. It’s great for any age or sex… TFS!!!
Love it! I often put socks in with my Mary Kay gift baskets and this will really spiff them up! Thanks Joy!
Way too cute.!!!1
Way too cute.!!!
Very cute! I am going to try this with baby socks for little cupcakes to go with a diaper cake for a baby shower gift. Thanks for the tutorial. My sister is going to love these!