Viva Decor Pearl Pens & Glitter Liner Name Tag

I’m in Charlotte, North Carolina at the Creating Keepsakes Convention with Scrapbook (Cricut Dan and his wife Shelly). We had a great day setting up for all the people who will be coming tomorrow. You know what? I’m really tired! I originally had a totally different project in mind to show you, but I’m going to have to do this one instead. I need to create my name tag for tomorrow so…here goes!

Ok, so this is what I started with. I decided to drag along a few supplies, like these Viva Decor pens on my trip. I had many redos because I couldn’t decide what I wanted to design. Finally, I settled on…my name and a bunch of dots. Woah! Genius! 😉 Duh.

The red is from a different product I’ll tell you about another time.

I was pretty happy with how quickly those Viva Decor dots dried! Especially after I made several gloppy dots. You know what else? They stuck well to that slick plastic. I do not think that is the most beautiful tag I ever saw, but it was fun playing with all that stuff. 😉

Have a great day!


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  1. Walking by I would glance and notice your name tag easily. I love blue and white together.

  2. I’ve seen the Viva Decor Pearl Pens more and more recently. I wish Michael’s carried them! Thanks for sharing and have fun!

  3. I have been looking for these. None of my local scrapbook stores have even heard of them. Guess I’ll have to find an on-line source – any suggestions?

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