Witchy looking Cupcake Socks.  Don’t eat them!

These cupcake socks are so cute and easy to make…also very low calorie.  LOL!  I have made them before, but this time I used the Cricut Lite Cupcake Wrappers cartridge and chose the witches wrapper.

Here’s another post where I made cupcake socks. 😉 

Here are the things I used.

I found these cute socks at CVS of all places…and now my daughter and I both own a pair. 😀  You know all about the Cricut Lite cartridges don’t you?  You can only buy those at WalMart, but you can also buy them from WalMart.com. 😉  I cut the cupcake wrappers at 2 1/2″ and was able to use 8 1/2 x 11″ paper for each piece.  I know 2 1/2″ sounds small, but that’s how high it is, not how long.  I glued the layers together using (my favorite) Zip Dry paper glue.  You’ll need little red pom poms for the “cherry”.  Check your local craft store for those.

It’s pretty simple to make these cupcakes.  You just roll the socks up.

You want to keep them together while you roll them up.  Keep the heel end UP when you put it in the wrapper.  It can make a nice place for the “cherry” to fit.  Keep the non-heel side straight as you roll, so that the bottom is flat.  You may want to use some rubber bands around the bottom of the socks to help them stay in place in their cupcake wrappers.

Say this 3 times fast:  Which witch wished which wicked wish?

The details in the Cricut Cupcake wrappers are incredible.  I’m amazed at how well all the details cut.  I used my Expression on this and I had all the settings up high.

You can wrap these cupcake socks in clear bags to give as gifts.  I’d love to get something like this.  I love fun socks and I can never find any when my feet are cold.  That’s why I take all of DH’s giant socks.  LOL!

Go Get Your Craft On!


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  1. What a great idea. I can use these for every gift. I’m thinking Christmas right now. THanks

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