
Cricut for the New User 3 of 5

This post is from 2011 and is more of a history of Cricut post now.

Hello my Cricuting friends!  I’ve got a video all ready for you!  BTW, YouTube allows me to make videos that are longer than 15 minutes, but I’m having trouble uploading them so we’re going to stick to under 10 right now.  Ok?  That’s why these are in so many parts. 😉  Also, I want to thank you all for the great comments you’ve left me!  I surely appreciate them!!

I want to clarify one thing I say in the video.  I mention that the regular blade cuts paper…it can cut other things as well.  Some people find they never need the deep cut blade.  I use the deep cut blade often.

Here are links to some things I mention in the video:

Regular & Deep Cut Blade Comparison Post

Cutting Cereal Boxes in place of chip board

How to Label Cricut Cartridge Booklets

and here’s one I didn’t mention, but you might want to know

How to Label Cricut Lite Tri Folds

Tomorrow, another video tutorial…well, this one continued!

Another DVD Give AWAY!!  Woo hoo!

I’ve got another “Cricut for Beginners” DVD to give away!  It’s created by and sold at Custom Crops.com (where you can also pick up Joy’s Life products). Custom Crops has donated this DVD for one of you! Just leave a comment to be eligible to win. The winner will be chosen Jan 10, 2011 and listed on this post.

And the Winner Is:

2011/01/07 at 9:46 PM
From one teacher to another; thanks! Loved the idea on labeling the cartridge book.

I hope you’re enjoying this series of posts! Come back tomorrow for Day 4 of 5 and a video tutorial!

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  1. My SIL just got her first Cricut for Christmas and I told my niece (who is in charge of all things Cricut) to direct her to your site. The timing for these videos could not have been better! Thanks for all you do, SuperJoy!

  2. Hubby surprised me with a cricut expression and laminator\bookbinder yesterday in the mail.
    I know im lucky …i think ill keep him after 24 years lol.Anyway yours was one of the first sites i found for cricut info and im so glad i did!
    Thank you for sharing our knowledge and creativity:)Id love to win the dvd too!

  3. Great little tips. Who knew? Keep em coming, I’m taking notes! (and I’ll come back here when I can’t find those notes and NEED TO KNOW NOW!)

  4. Thanks again Joy for the videos. I also went through my blue box and pulled out all of the cereal box cardboard to use as chipboard.

  5. I’m going on a scrapbook retreat this weekend. Hoping to really put my Cricut to work! 🙂

  6. I am fairly new to using the Cricut and want to thank you for the videos. Most of it I have learned on my own but each of the videos I have learned something new so thank you for doing them.

  7. Hi! I *finally* got a cricut! Merry Christmas to me! Now i am looking through your website A LOT for help. I’d love to win this dvd since i am truly a beginner and definitely need it! Thanks for all the great info and videos!

  8. Joy, Thank you for these videos. I was holding my breath when you were messing with the blade. I think you have to do more than 5 days (please).
    Tanaz (FFD)

  9. Joy, Thank you for these videos. I was holding my breath when you were messing with the blade. I think you have to do more than 5 days (please).


  11. Not a new cricut user but like the rest of us, we can all use a refresher. I just wish I had known about your site when I first got mine. Thanks for making everyone’s crafty life easier.

  12. I learned another great tip! I now know how to label my book, so I can find the design quickly. -Thanks!

  13. Love all the help Joy! I’m slowly figureing my Cricut out :+)

    Today is my Birthday, G’son is at school YAY!! So I’m enjoying a cup of coffee watching your video’s and labeling my booklets.
    Thank you so much for that info.. my eyes aren’t so good anymore so I struggle to see what is what on the overlay.

    [email protected]

  14. This is great that you are helping out the new users and giving all of us more helpful hints!

  15. I think your information and the DVD will be so helpful to both new users and current users! Thanks Joy!
    quilt 4 fun 2 at hot mail dot com

  16. OMG – just had to come back and comment AGAIN – I just finished labeling my cartridges and booklets. GENIUS!! I LOVE that tip and it’s going to save SO MUCH irritation and time in searching!!!!! Love it love it love it ;-D

  17. Joy, thanks for anther great video. I would love to win this video for my friend Wendy! She is so excited her G just came last night and her E should be here soon!

    aecopenhaver at gmail dot com

  18. Great tip on the labeling. I’m sure it would help my eyes too that are always squinting to see those overlays.

  19. Thanks for the video! i cant wait for the next one. These are helping me out so much, i am SUCH a visual learner!

  20. Another great video. TY Joy! Can’t wait till tomorrow. Hopefully I can start really using my cricut.

  21. Got ironing done so now I can watch video and even get in some play time…..thanks Joy

  22. Another great video!!! Thanks so much for explaining how to replace the blade! I was wondering about the plastic that comes on the new ones and could not find if I was supposed to take it off or not! Score! Thanks so much!! Looking forward to tomorrow’s video!

  23. I have a WHOLE tub of cereal boxes. (I asked my family to save theirs for me.) I have not touched it yet because I wasn’t sure of the settings. Now I can start on some projects!!!!

    vndlewis at rocketmail dot com

  24. I just got my first Cricut for Christmas and your site has been so helpful to me. Thanks so much. Love all your videos !!!!

  25. Great ideas! I need to start buying ceral out of a box again instead of out of a bag! lol!

  26. Love learning more about using the Cricut. I kinda just went with the flow. Still don’t know what half the buttons are for on the left side 🙂

  27. Your videos are just great. My 8 yr old inherited my bug since I have an expression. Would love to win this dvd for her. She loves the cricut. Thanks for the chance.

  28. Great video. I appreciate these lessons in small bites. Great tip to label the instruction book to go with the overlay.

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