This post is from 2011 and is more of a history of Cricut post now.

Hello my Cricuting friends!  I’ve got a video all ready for you!  BTW, YouTube allows me to make videos that are longer than 15 minutes, but I’m having trouble uploading them so we’re going to stick to under 10 right now.  Ok?  That’s why these are in so many parts. 😉  Also, I want to thank you all for the great comments you’ve left me!  I surely appreciate them!!

I want to clarify one thing I say in the video.  I mention that the regular blade cuts paper…it can cut other things as well.  Some people find they never need the deep cut blade.  I use the deep cut blade often.

Here are links to some things I mention in the video:

Regular & Deep Cut Blade Comparison Post

Cutting Cereal Boxes in place of chip board

How to Label Cricut Cartridge Booklets

and here’s one I didn’t mention, but you might want to know

How to Label Cricut Lite Tri Folds

Tomorrow, another video tutorial…well, this one continued!

Another DVD Give AWAY!!  Woo hoo!

I’ve got another “Cricut for Beginners” DVD to give away!  It’s created by and sold at Custom (where you can also pick up Joy’s Life products). Custom Crops has donated this DVD for one of you! Just leave a comment to be eligible to win. The winner will be chosen Jan 10, 2011 and listed on this post.

And the Winner Is:

2011/01/07 at 9:46 PM
From one teacher to another; thanks! Loved the idea on labeling the cartridge book.

I hope you’re enjoying this series of posts! Come back tomorrow for Day 4 of 5 and a video tutorial!

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  1. I’m enjoying this series. Thank you for the tip about labeling the booklet to find the images on the overlay. I found the instructions really confusing in the booklets.

  2. Loving it….I have decided to to take the afternoon and dedicate it to doing this Cricut Tutorial……

  3. I think I am going to borrow your booklet labeling technique. Makes finding everything so much easier!

  4. knowing the information about patting your hands on the mat before using to make it less sticky was a great thing to know.

    Really appreciate these videos.

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