
Petal Box Turned Valentine & Big Petal Boxes

“Sweeter than apple pie” is the only one with a sentiment.  It’s for a special girl. 😉

I thought you’d like to see this!  I decided that as cute as those little Petal Boxes were, they were a little too small to stand alone as a Valentine gift for DS#2 to hand out.  So, I cut out what seemed like a ton of hearts from the Love Struck cartridge and some tags from the Tags, Bags, Boxes and More and stuck them all together with my marvelous ATG gun.  You need a strong adhesive to attach the box when it is filled with a candy.  The ATG had no problem getting everything strongly bonded.   I use the 3M Scotch ATG 714 .  You don’t have to have one, but I use mine all the time.

My little buddy actually stacked all of these up in the shape of a heart.  Then I stacked all the ones he hadn’t signed around it. 😉

The stamp set that the apple pie sentiment came from is the One Smart Cookie set from Stampin’ Up.  Nearly all of the paper is (once again) from the K & Co. Smitten Specialty Paper. I’ve used that in the last 4 posts! 😀 That’s so funny. Honestly, this is the first time I’ve ever used an entire pad of paper. I usually get tired of it and move on. Well, I’m not totally out of it because I bought 2 packs, but I did use one. LOL!

Here’s a little close up.

Ok, let’s move on…Check these out…

Come on!  I DID MOVE ON!!  They’re BIG Petal Boxes. 😉

Guess what paper I used?  Come on…Yeah, alright it’s the K & Co. Smitten Specialty Paper again.

Well, look how much bigger these are than the other petal boxes…

Big ones on the left.  Small ones on the right.

Yeah, I told you they really are much bigger!  I used the Fit to Page button with 12×12 paper for the ones on the left.  I was able to put this much stuff in them…

Now are you amazed at the switch from small to big?!  Is it just staggering?!  hee hee hee  Well, I will say that the boys were happy to give their Valentine’s out.  And their Mom?  She’s glad that V’day is nearing it’s end and has also rediscovered a love for the Tags, Bags, Boxes and More cart for saving her rear when she needed a bunch of tags at the last minute.  Additionally, she’s beginning to speak about herself in the 3rd person.  Hopefully, that’s something she’ll stop doing soon.  LOL  Ok, I’m stopping right now. 😉

Go make some boxes!!

Tomorrow is the SuperJoy Loves Her SuperFriends Monthly Give A Way!! You have to be Registered for a Chance to Win!! (See top right hand corner of the page. 😉 )

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  1. Those turned out Ah-Maz-ing!! I bought that Smitten paper, too. It was 50% off at HL last week! Gotta love HL!!

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