One Million Hits


This past weekend I went to my first crop ever!  It was a Cricut Circle crop held in Georgia.  What fun!  I made some new friends, connected with some people that I knew online, met some Joy’s Life friends and got to see friends that I’d met when I worked at the Charlotte, North Carolina Creating Keepsakes Convention in August.  (CKC Convention and Part One My Trip Home Post then Part Two.)  I even got to do a quick vinyl/Cricut Vinylology demo during the Crop!  That was quite an honor since the two other people who did demos were the fun leader of the show, Shannon from Provo Craft and Teresa Collins!!  Shannon was super nice as well as very informative and hilarious.  The talented Teresa Collins did a make and take with papers from her new Cricut Imagine cartridge.  So cool!  At the end of the day, as if the day hadn’t already been fun enough, I won something sooo cool!  I’m going to make you wait a bit to see it though.  I’ll do a post with it soon. 😉

As if all that fun wasn’t enough, I got home and found out that Joy’s Life had gone over the 1 MILLION hit mark!  WOW!  That means it’s time to CELEBRATE!!  THANK YOU ALL!!


Leave a comment to be entered for a chance to win a brand new Gypsy.  You can get an extra entry if you’ll join my newsletter (scroll down the right hand side of this page to sign up), another entry if you’ll “Like” me on Facebook (left hand side of this page) and another entry if you’ll follow me on Twitter (left hand side of this page).  Just let me know in your comment if you decide to do any of those things. 🙂  I’ll choose a winner on March 15, 2011 and will post the winner here.


mays331 Says: March 7th, 2011 at 6:30 PM e

Congrats!!!! How fab is that???? Would LOVE to win a Gypsy!!! I have gotten your newsletter for a long time now and have followed you on facebook for a while also! Thanks for the chance to win!!!!

Thanks Again My Friends AND Good Luck!

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  1. WOW 1 million hits, that’s something to be proud of! I love watching your creations, it really helps in the learning process:). Thank you also for the opportunity to win a Gypsy! I signed up for your newsletter and unfortunately I do not have a facebook page and I don’t tweet 🙂 Congratulations!

    Tricia ([email protected])

  2. Congratulations on your million hits! Love to read your site to learn more about the Cricut. Thanks for the chance to win your wonderful give away. I just subscribed to your newsletter for an extra entry.

  3. Great site you have here! I love the variety of articles and explanations that you give. It is great for a beginner like me. Thanks. I signed up for your newsletter and Liked you on Facebook. It would be great to win a gypsy too. Thanks for the opportunity.

  4. Congratulations on one million hits. I know you are excited. Thanks for the chance to win the Gypsy.

  5. Congrats Joy!!! So happy for you! I am a follower, I’m signed up to receive your newsletter, and we are already friends on FB!!!! Thanks for the great opportunity!

    arcocha at yahoo dot com

  6. Congrats on the Million milestone!

    I love your website. I have joined your newsletter, followed you on Facebook, added you on Twitter. I am so excited for this wonderful opportunity to win!

    Thanks for sharing your projects and for the amazing giveaway!

    BoxerBrats at Gmail dot com

  7. Okay, I’m a follower, a Super Joy friend and I “Like” you on Facebook. Does that make me a stalker now?!?! lol Thanks for sharing all your talents. Love your giveaway too. You’r an amazing lady. Jude

  8. I love your blog! I get inspired! Thanks! Hope I win my daughter really needs a gypsy! :*)

  9. Wow, a million hits, that’s wonderful. I’m glad you liked the Circle Crop. I’m also a Circle member and just waiting for one to come to my area. Congrats!

  10. Kudos on the million hits! I liked you on facebook, signed up for your newsletter so 3 chances to win this awesome give away! I would love to have a gypsy! I have only gone to 2 crops myself, can’t seem to lug my stuff out!

  11. WOW! Congrats on the Million Hits. You are so fabulous that people have to keep coming back to see what you are going to do next! Thanks for the chance to win a cricut and thanks for being JOY.

  12. Thanks so much for a chance to win! I have been following you on fb for a while now and I just started following you on twitter. I also subscribed and confirmed to your newsletter. Thanks again and congrats and you earned all the hits your site is so creative and full of great ideas.
    [email protected]

  13. Would love to win the gypsy. I’ve drooled over it for a while now. Congratulations

  14. Hey new here. I like you site. I also “liked” you on facebook. Look forward to looking at your projects in the future. Thanks for sharing!

  15. Joy!! Congratulations on the 1Million Hits!! I’m so thankful that I found your website 4 months ago! You’ve taught me so much and thank you for the chance to win the gypsy! Congrats and keep the wonderful crafts coming!

  16. Congrats on the 1 million hits, Joy! You’ll be sure to get 1 million more in no time! Great giveaway!

  17. I’m sure I’m not lucky enough to actually win this, but it is an AWESOME thing you are giving away! Just imagine how you can change a scrappers/crafters life by letting be creative on the go! So great. Congrats on a million hits…it is only b/c of the hard work you do and creative projects you are always sharing with us! Love me some Joyslife 🙂 Mary Jo

  18. Congratulations! Thanks for sharing you’re creativity. I signed up for your newsletter and Facebook.

    After your videos and ideas, they have recently convinced me to buy a cricut expression – they should really give you some of their profit.

  19. You are a crafting goddess!

    Congrats on 1 million hits.

    I signed up for the newsletter.
    I follow on FB.
    I am going to sign up on Twitter as soon as it’s up and running again (got a maintenance message)


  20. Love those fancy tennis shoes. Send it to one of the manufacturers and you will surely make some $$$/

  21. Congratulations on one million hits! This is a great giveaway! I also follow you on facebook!

  22. Congrats on 1 million hits!! I subscribe to your newsletter and “like” you on Facebook! Thanks for the chance to win!

  23. Big congrats and what a great giveaway. I have enjoyed your blog and projects. Thank you for a chance to win!

  24. Would really appreciate winning the gypsy. I signed up for your newsletter, but don’t know about twitter yet. Will “like” you on facebook. Thanks for this great prize.

  25. Congratulations Joy! How exciting! I already like you on Facebook and follow you on Twitter! Thank you for the chance to win! 🙂

  26. Well a huge congratulations to you Joy. That is a terrific accomplishment. Good job and as always your blog is one of my top 3. Keep it coming.


  27. Love your site!!!! Liked you on FB, following you on Twitter, and subscribed to the Newsletter!!!! Thank you!!

  28. Joy, I love your website and all the wonderful ideas you share. Please keep up the good pointers. Its wonderful that you are giving away a gypsy.

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