As you know I spent last Thursday through Sunday in Charlotte, NC setting up, taking down and working in the Scrapbook booth with Cricut Dan and his wife, Shelly.  Well, let me give you the Joy’s eye view of the trip.

1st…Known Fact: I’m not a fan of heights.  See this post for previous SuperJoy’s Weakness.  So, I was super happy when the hotel front desk clerk told me I was on H3.  Whew. Who knew that H3 meant a variety of possible floor choices?  Who knew that there would only be a few elevator buttons that only gave some basics plus about 5 “H” labeled buttons?  Not me.  Not until my elevator kept whizzing on up way past what my senses knew to be the 3rd floor.  I’d say it was something like floor 15.  Here are my friends across the street.

I’ve been up higher, but still.  After a few days, I was able to get closer to the window without having to run back toward the door before my knees buckled.  Embarrassing.  Well, you can’t be SuperJoy without pushing yourself.  I don’t like heights, but I’ll not let that hold me back from doing anything.  So, expect to see me in Chicago in that glass box in the Sears tower.  I’ll be carrying my Margaritaville Frozen Concoction Maker for some quick action blended courage.  LOL!

Guess who used to watch Felicity?  Yep.  That was me.  Well, if you ever watched it you know that she had a job in Dean and Deluca, right?  I’m a Southern girl.  It was years before I found out that Dean and Deluca (started in NYC) was a real place!  So, it turns out that my hotel in Charlotte is right next to Dean and Deluca!!  Holy Cow!!  Whee!  Now…sad face.  When I finally got time to go there it was Sunday.  Guess what?  The in town D&D is closed on Sat and Sun.  🙁  Stop crying!!  It’s ok!  The story gets better.  I was able to find another one that was open!  Whee!  I checked out of the hotel and headed to the very important Dean and Deluca.  (Ariel singing please…Ahh ahh ahhh…Ahhh ahhh AHHHH).

Ahhh, peach gummy candy.  My new favorite!

No, Dean and Deluca is NOT just like Whole Foods or Fresh Market.  It’s SPECIAL!  Ok, it might be a little like them, but I super LOVE D&D the best “est” “est”.  That’s 2 “est’s” so you know it must be awesome. ? I spent many, many $’s in D&D and didn’t regret a cent of it.

Coffee is not an expense.  It’s a necessity.  So, I shouldn’t even consider the prices of those two items. ?

I did need some new oven mitts and these ROCK!  Look at their little grippy hands.  Now, you know what really gets pricey?  The fact that when I got these home I saw how good those colors and stripes look in my kitchen.  I’m thinking of a window treatment re-do!!  (That’s 7 windows. 🙁 )  I think DH just started crying.  LOL.

Check out my $6 grilled cheese.  It’s 2 kinds of cheese on rosemary bread.  Perfect for my drive home.

You know what I really LOVE?  Besides Cricut?  How did you guess?  Yep.  That’s it!  Rice Crispy Treats.  So, you know they had my number when they placed these luscious things at the checkout.  This one has some kind of marshmallow creme and chocolate covered strawberry gummy candy in the center.  Don’t judge me.  Rice Crispy Treats are my catnip.

Are you ready for the close up?

Can you tell I was enjoying my new tiny camera?  Yeah.  It’s super easy to use for a quick shot of important things like this over indulgent treat energy bar.  LOL, let’s pause for a moment to reflect on the fact that I just called this rice crispy treat stuffed with candy an ENERGY BAR!  That sounds like something Paula Deen would say.  Hmmm.  I do love her. 😉

Well, I also got a Dean and Deluca shirt so I can pretend like I work there while I serve myself coffee in my kitchen.  And…there was more candy and goodies, but I have 3 kids and a husband so…I’m lucky to be able to have anything left to show you.  LOL!  Now…off to find my new fav locally…gummy peach candy.

Tomorrow Part 2 of my trip which will include a giant butt in the sky AND some crafting things that I found/saw/purchased.



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  1. I’m right there with ya over the heights!! I was on the 96th floor of the Sears Tower about 30 years ago and my heart still races when I think about looking out that glass window that leaned out. OMG!! What was worse was the elevator ride! About floor 68 it starting making a noise and shaking and did that all the way up!! I was so freaking out!!!

    I can’t ride in those glass elevators either. I have to turn around and shut my eyes or I have an anxiety attack!! Glad I’m not the only one like this!!

    See we really are twins!!! More so everyday!!

    1. Oh my gosh flipflopdiva let me tell you this one! I was on a tram in the Smoky Mountains and in the middle of the ride this guy grabs a poll lifts himself horizontally until he is straight out holding the poll. (He had to be some kind of gymnast.) Then he starts screaming, “We’re falling! We’re falling!” It’s sort of funny and amazing now, but at the time I think my whole life flashed before my eyes. 😛

  2. Coffee = a priceless necessity….just ask me, I ran out of it this morning. So, this morning, I am a slug.

    Nice purchases at D&D…I see the store in the background during the Today Show, but I’ve never been in one…thanks for the review! 🙂

  3. Hi Joy I live just west of Charlotte and totally forgot about the convention. Wish I could have meet you. Anyways, I hate glass elevators too.

    My golden retriever walked onto one with me in Little Rock Arkansas once night, realize his feet was off the ground. The next day when I went to check out of the hotel, he sat on his butt and would not go in the elevator. So I walked down the steps with my baby.

    I can not wait to hear part 2.

    Chris Wooten
    [email protected]

    1. Hey Chris,
      I wish I could have met you too! Well, hopefully at another show. 🙂
      That’s funny about your dog. They’re smart!! 😀
      I’ll get part 2 out on Monday. 😉 Decided I needed a little break today. 🙂

  4. Sounds like a great adventure making for good memories! I came to know D&D while I was working at UPS…they ship a lot of goodies (overnight and through the air system) during the holidays! If you have never heard of Wolferman’s you should check them out too ( I believe) they have wonderful pastry goods and delicious jams and whatnots!
    I must admit although I don’t have a fear of heights I do get car sick very easily and have trouble attaining the heights sometimes. I must say I HATE glass elevators too and why is it that they always have a mirror wall opposite the glass open side so you can’t even look away! LOL…poor planning in my mind!

  5. Oh Joy I hear you on the height thing….I would have had to change rooms, can’t do it, I have issues standing on a 2 stair step stool…..sad I know, but what is one to do????
    loved reading this post..looking forward to part 2

  6. Pingback: Joy's
  7. OMG! Am I glad I clicked on your site!!! I’ve been rotflmboff! i’m looking forward to visiting here daily if this is a sample of the reading material to expect! LOL! Actually was trying to enter the give-a-way, but your site is a prize in it’s self! Well, back to figuring out how to enter your give-a-way.

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