Creating Keepsakes Charlotte Convention with Cricut Dan & Scrapbook

I had a great time working with Cricut Dan from Scrapbook this past weekend in Charlotte, NC.  Also, Charlotte’s a really pretty town!  Here’s a picture of part of the show floor right when it opened for the early birds one morning.  Early birds get in an hour before the general public. 😉  It got MUCH busier later, but this was a good time for me to get away and take a photo.

I got to meet several Joy’s Life friends!!  That’s always a super bonus for me!!  Thank you all for stopping by to say hi!  I have to say I was sort of amazed that I was recognized while I was in the dining area upstairs eating lunch.  I had my name tag turned around backwards and everything.  Thanks for saying Hi Susan and Susan (yes, 2 Susan’s).  It was great talking with you!  Everyone I meet is always so nice.   A shout out to Michelle and Carrie and all the other sweet ladies who stopped by the booth over the weekend to say hi! 🙂 You all are great!

So, What Did I Buy?

Well, you’re going to have to be more specific.  You mean at the show?  Oh!  Well, honestly I did a lot of shopping in the booth where I worked.  Besides Cricut cartridges the Scrapbook Corner booth also has a lot of pretty paper and stickers, buttons, brads all kinds of things, so I got some pretty paper and stickers.  Yep.  I’m going to try my hand at scrapbooking.  I bought all this in Dan’s booth.  BTW, if you go to Cricut Dan’s booth you’ll see some beautiful scrapbook page layouts.  They’re all created by his wife Shelly.  She’s really talented.

and then…


I sold every one of their Cindy Loo carts that they had on the show floor.  I love to use that cart to demo with (just ask Dan…it’s a running joke about me and the Cindy Loo cart).  Well, it’s too bad that I sold them all because then I needed to demo with something else.  Most unfortunately Dan got out the Cricut Elegant Cakes cartridge.  Great.  Now I love THAT one.  Ugh.  Add another to my list of must haves.

I bought some bling from my favorite bling booth:

Yeah, that is a lot of bling but it is .99 each.

I got this stuff from another booth, I don’t remember their name.  It’s good to buy from sellers at these shows and their websites.  This is how those individuals make a living.  You’re directly making a difference when you buy from them.  It’s not like when you buy from big stores like Michael’s or WalMart.  Support the independent business!!  If we don’t they’ll all go away.

Well, that’s it for now.  I will share some more of my trip with you later this week.  WEDNESDAY I HAVE SOMETHING BIG GOING ON!!  COME SEE WHAT IT IS!!

P.S.  Look at this message Cricut Dan put on my Facebook page!

It was my honor to have Joy work with me this weekend in Charlotte NC. Cricut Booth at the at CKC Scrapbooking Convention. She is a rising star in the Scrapbooking Industry and will surely bring us many new ideas and products in the coming year. Check out her new line of stamps and DVD. She is truly a breath of fresh air to the Scrapbooking and Cricut Industry.
Thank You Joy!
Cricut, Dan

That is SO NICE!  Thank you DAN!!

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  1. I’d LOVE to attend one of these shows…I could certainly do my job and support these businesses!! Do they ever come to the Boston area?

    The paper kits you bought are adorable!!

  2. I really would like to come to one also wonder if they will ever get to tennessee. I bet you felt like it was xmas there Joy so many neat things to buy….

  3. Lots of fun goodies and I want to know where you got .99 bling? and if they have a website?
    Love the wonderful comment Dan left for you isn’t that touching? You are a sweetheart and lot’s of people see that.

  4. I am glad you had a blast and love all the goodies you got! thanks for sharing the pic too. 🙂

  5. Woo hoo!!! Such a thrill to meet you in person! Thanks for taking the time to talk to me over lunch. I LOVE your haul, especially the Doodlebug stickers… I really wish I would have picked up some of those last weekend – SO CUTE (as if I really need MORE stuff) hahaha.

    I’ll DEFINITELY be back at CKC in Charlotte again next year… I hope to see you there again! It was SO MUCH fun.

    As always, thanks so much for the constant inspiration. You are my super-hero! 🙂

    P.S. My Vinylogy DVD arrived today – YAY!!!

  6. I’m glad you had fun! I just discovered scrapbook because of your blog and I LOVE it! You never cease to amaze me, Joy.
    P.S. I’ve used the blending tool and distress inks and they are soooo cool!!

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