Happy Friday!

Happy Rain or Snow soaked Friday to all my Eastern friends!  Westerners…what’s your weather like today?  It’s pouring here!!

All my international & Canadian friends – (Samantha, I know you’re up there!!)  😉 
I hope you’re all having decent weather and a good day!

I’ll be a little late with a craft post today, but I wanted to let you know I hadn’t forgotten.  Check back later.  I have got to run all my munchkins to school!

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  1. I am having a Happy Rain Mixed With Sleet Friday….just glad its Friday really. Thanks for “Jack”…..love it! And him. lol

    1. LOL, you’re welcome for “Jack”! Sometimes it’s a Jack day and sometimes it isn’t, right? 😛
      If anyone is wondering what we’re talking about, it’s my “Jack” button. I made it for those tough days we sometimes have. Here it is… Jack Button. 😀
      Hope your weekend is problem free!

  2. oh boy! I can’t wait for your post! Here in Canada, in Sudbury it’s kind of chilly, but today we have a high of minus nine so that’s actually warm haha!
    I wanted to tell you I found one of the martha stewart edge punches (not the heart one, very disappointed about that)! but me and my crafting buddy are very excited! Next weekend I get my sizzix embosser, so excited for that! My dorm room is filling up soooo quickly! Oh and I did find that zig glue you mentioned and was very excited! I’ve been told I need to stay away from the crafting stores! 🙁
    This blog is great! Can’t wait!

    Samantha-Leigh : )

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