Ok, tomorrow I promise to move to a different cartridge. Really!
Yes, yes. I did another cut with the Love Struck Seasonal Cartridge. Hey, it’s pretty cute though!! I spent most of the day working with Make the Cut to make a special candy bag for DS#1’s friend’s b’day. It looks ok, but really isn’t something I’m terribly proud of. Hmmm, sometimes that’s how it goes. You know what rarely lets me down? Cricut cartridges!! So, I stuck with a new fav and cut out this heart.
It’s Cute, but what’s the big deal?
Well, I’ll tell you…Two Words…
Zip Dry
I just love that stuff! I’m sure it’s not the only thing, but in my opinion Zip Dry is the BEST THING to glue glitter cardstock to glitter cardstock. That’s just what I did above. The red glitter cardstock is glued to white glitter cardstock (it didn’t show up well in the photo, huh?). I used Zip Dry Paper Glue on the red hearts and they stuck with no problem. Another great thing? You can’t even see it. Sweet!
** Settings for cutting the glitter paper are the same as the post about cupid.
So, I know it was short and sweet today…but I hope this helps you when you need to stick glitter paper to glitter paper! 😀