Cricut Dan from Scrapbook – Day 4 Give-A-Way

1st let me start off saying how much I enjoyed working with Dan and his wife Shelly when they were in Hotlanta.  They were so nice to me and I had the best time. 🙂  What could be better than being surrounded by people who love Cricut and crafting?  Wait…there is one thing that is better.  Being surrounded by people who love Cricut and crafting AND a ton of Cricut cartridges and crafting supplies.  Ahhh ahhh ahhh…ahhh ahhhh ahhhhh….yes, that’s me singing my Ariel song again from the Little Mermaid.  Look how happy I am…

Geeze…that was pre-haircut…anyway… I’m doing a demo in this photo, but I took a sec to smile while Dan took this photo.  Thanks Dan!

Look at this beautiful creation Dan made using only ONE Cricut cartridge and Design Studio.  He’s a wizard at Design Studio.  He had to give me a Design Studio refresher because I’d been using my Gypsy so long I forgot how to use DS.  Well, he was great at that too!

Yep.  I hung it on my desk until I find it a more permanent spot.  It sits happily above this little creation I made:

I know you’re going to ask…that Cricut head can be made from basic shapes and welding. 😉  Also, IDK why there’s a weird little light on Dan’s picture.  I guess I captured a partial rainbow, LOL.

Well, Cricut Dan (Scrapbook has been sooo nice to sponsor today’s give-a-way!!  Thank you Dan!!  Here it is:

YAY!!!  The NEW Pumpkin Carving Seasonal Cricut Cartridge!!  FUN!!

So, you know what to do, right?  Leave a comment on this post and I’ll use to draw a winner on August 2, 2010.

In the meantime, check out Dan’s store Scrapbook AND…go see him at a show near you!  Here’s his schedule. When you see him, tell him I said, “Hi!”

Hey, I have actually carved a craft pumpkin using a Cricut cartridge as a template! Here’s how:

Have a Great Day!

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  1. As we enter August – pumpkin craving is RIGHT around the corner – hard to think, huh?? Thanks for offering this Dan and Joy!!!

  2. I hope someday I can be like you and make the time to do my scrapbooking and stamping. I love reading your blog and seeing new items. It makes my day.
    Jacquie Breedlove

  3. Halloween is my favorite holiday, my kids don’t care for it but I love it just so I can decorate! This cart would be awesome for that! Thanks for the chance!

  4. I searched your comment section on this thread 3 times. Yep – 3 times! to find the comment I left but….no luck. For whatever reason it didn’t “take”. 🙁

    Of course I can’t ‘member what I said — but it was a “good one”! 🙂 Something about your cute Cricut head and the neat gift Dan gave you, but it escapes me at the moment.

    I know I don’t have a chance in heck of winning this cart cuz I’m the very last one (prob.) to post but still just wanted to say:- you’re awesome in your give-aways! And…..more so —- LOVE reading whatever you write. You definitely have a “way w/ words”!!! 🙂

  5. Ooooh, I love Halloween, and this cartridge would be PERFECT for our daughter’s first Halloween party invitations! Thank you to you and Cricut Dan for such a generous giveaway! Joy, I LOVE your blog – your sense of humor and your awesome videos always make me smile! 🙂

  6. Love you, Joy! I would really really really really really really really really really really really really really really REALLY like to have these stamps! I hope I win! 🙂

  7. ooops…..that last post was supposed to go on the stamps giveaway. Ok….I would really really really really really really really really really really really really really really REALLY like to have this cartridge! I hope I win! 🙂

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