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Carve a Monogrammed Pumpkin Using Cricut Template

This project was super fun!  I cut out that “D” using Mini Monograms…and a leftover piece of paper, that’s why it’s missing a corner, LOL.

First, that’s a fake pumpkin.  I got it at Michael’s last year and thought it was too pretty to do anything to.  That was ridiculous, of course, so this year I hacked that baby up!

Previously, I have used that Hot Marks heat tool with the knife attachment to carve other fake pumpkins.  I used templates from those carving books you can buy, but this year I decided to make my own.  I wanted a monogrammed pumpkin that I could keep out for Thanksgiving as well as Halloween.  I think I totally achieved that and I didn’t even burn myself or lose a finger.  Bonus!  LOL

As you can see, I taped down the template that I cut from the Cricut Mini Monograms cartridge.  I just used Scotch tape and stuck it directly to the pumpkin.  I had to make a little adjustment to the “D” because I didn’t want the hole that forms the tall part of the “D” to be a big gaping pit.  So, I added a piece of paper to the template to give it a bit more shape. When you are making your template, make sure that you look at what is left after the letters are removed from the paper.  You’re working with the NEGATIVE (what’s left) not the pieces you cut out.  The reason this is colored with the first fat marker I could lay my hands on (orange highlighter) is because I wanted to get a quick sketch of what it would look like after I made the cuts.  So, I scribbled over it onto another piece of paper.  I know enough from last year to not trust myself with even the smallest cut.  One of my pumpkins must now face the wall on one side…due to a huge hole/mistake I made last year.  Oh, the shame.

TA DA!!!  Yes, I know I got a little burn happy with the pen…let it go.  It’s…um…RUSTIC!! 😀

White Carved Faux Pumpkin back

I cut such a great little hole for the fake flickering tea light!

Too bad I didn’t measure the tea light first…or second…

So, you might want to measure or at least look at the tea light before you cut the hole.  Don’t think you’ll accurately remember what size it is all the way from last year…like I tried to do some people might.  If you do, you can use some hot glue to put the pieces back together after you cut the right size hole…after the 1st, 2nd or 3rd try. 😐

TA DA!!!  It would have been genius if I’d measured it the first time.

And again…TA DA!!!

Here we are in a corner of my dining room.  Ahhh, I LURVE IT!!!  I’m a genius!!!  (It takes so little to thrill me.)

BTW, it took me forever to get a 1/2 way decent shot in the dark.  I have zero patience.  LOL

I hope you like what I made!  I’ve got to get away from my computer now so I can go stand in the dark and stare at my creation.  like a creepy freak.

Go Carve a Fake Pumpkin!!  (but don’t toast whatever’s inside)


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  1. Pingback: Joy's Life.com
  2. What a great idea! I always wondered how else those things could be carved! I’m already planning how to glitter the entire thing once I get mine carved. I like some bling!!

    1. Oh Imatwork, glittering it would be beautiful!! I’d do it, but glitter is my enemy. LOL. It always ends up in my eye. 😐 😀

  3. WOW!!!! Love it . Always saw those pumpkins at Michaels and never bought one because I never thought of anything to do with them. Now I know

  4. I have two of those pumpkins at home right now. It would be great to win this cartridge so I could carve two of them. Love it! Will have to buy it if I don’t win it.

  5. Pingback: Joy's Life.com
  6. Joy, This is so cute too,What kind heat thing is that? looks cool.I guess I need some fake pumpkins!! Joy

  7. aww this is adorable. My husband carved out pumpkins a few (okay maybe 4 years ago!) years ago with “the” and then our last name. We still display them! Love it!

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