Cricut Dan from Scrapbook – Day 4 Give-A-Way

1st let me start off saying how much I enjoyed working with Dan and his wife Shelly when they were in Hotlanta.  They were so nice to me and I had the best time. 🙂  What could be better than being surrounded by people who love Cricut and crafting?  Wait…there is one thing that is better.  Being surrounded by people who love Cricut and crafting AND a ton of Cricut cartridges and crafting supplies.  Ahhh ahhh ahhh…ahhh ahhhh ahhhhh….yes, that’s me singing my Ariel song again from the Little Mermaid.  Look how happy I am…

Geeze…that was pre-haircut…anyway… I’m doing a demo in this photo, but I took a sec to smile while Dan took this photo.  Thanks Dan!

Look at this beautiful creation Dan made using only ONE Cricut cartridge and Design Studio.  He’s a wizard at Design Studio.  He had to give me a Design Studio refresher because I’d been using my Gypsy so long I forgot how to use DS.  Well, he was great at that too!

Yep.  I hung it on my desk until I find it a more permanent spot.  It sits happily above this little creation I made:

I know you’re going to ask…that Cricut head can be made from basic shapes and welding. 😉  Also, IDK why there’s a weird little light on Dan’s picture.  I guess I captured a partial rainbow, LOL.

Well, Cricut Dan (Scrapbook has been sooo nice to sponsor today’s give-a-way!!  Thank you Dan!!  Here it is:

YAY!!!  The NEW Pumpkin Carving Seasonal Cricut Cartridge!!  FUN!!

So, you know what to do, right?  Leave a comment on this post and I’ll use to draw a winner on August 2, 2010.

In the meantime, check out Dan’s store Scrapbook AND…go see him at a show near you!  Here’s his schedule. When you see him, tell him I said, “Hi!”

Hey, I have actually carved a craft pumpkin using a Cricut cartridge as a template! Here’s how:

Have a Great Day!

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  1. Can’t you just see window cling’s made from this and window shadow’s.
    Love this!!!!

  2. Thanks Dan for the giveaway. I’m planning what I will make with it already. Hey the template is a good idea. Thank you Joy.

  3. Can’t imagine how much fun your having. And pretty please pick me, I want this, I NEED this cart. I have soooo many great ideas using this cart if I ever get one. papermemories4u(at)yahoo(dot)com

  4. That drawing Dan made with the DS is beautiful – my designs look NOTHING like that! Thanks for sharing! Oh, I love the cricut head as well, I`m going to have to try that!

  5. I love halloween! It is such a big deal in our town. Our main street is lined with jack-o-lanterns. This would be such a great cartridge to have!

  6. Halloween is my favorite holiday – lots of fun, but no pressure to cook!! 🙂 I’d LOVE to win this cartridge! Thank you so much for your constant inspiration and amazing projects! I absolutely love your designs!!
    [email protected]

  7. Wow! Thanks Cricut Dan for the awesome givaway… we LOVE Fall and Halloween at our house and would love add more decorations we could make ourselves. FUN FUN FUN!

  8. Oh how fun! I was just at Scrapbook Corner in Temecula this afternoon! What a great store! Dan is a peach too!

  9. I love scrap booking fall pictures. This would be a really cool addition to my collection.

  10. Fall-Halloween… Oranges browns blacks!! My favorite scrapbooking to do!!!
    This would look great with all the fall things I need to Scrapbook!!!

    Thank you for a chance to win!!!

  11. we absoletly love Halloween and pumpkins!!! will look really cool especially after ours finish growing!!!!!!!! 😉

  12. I have a huge porch on the front of my house and it would look GREAT covered with pumpkins carved using the patterns on this cart.

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