Let’s Dress Up Some Candlesticks!
Have you learned that I love shrinking things? I do! Here are some other things I’ve shrunk. I used some white Shrinky Dinks shrink film and the Cricut Lite Cupcake cartridge to cut out a simple leaf.

Before Coloring wtih Bic Markers
I’ll tell you right off that I spent an hour and a lot of shrink film trying to cut out extremely detailed Fall images. They cut out well, but they don’t shrink as well. If you’re going to use the regular blade you’ll need to turn the blade depth to 6, pressure to 5 and multi-cut to 3 or 4. The deep cut blade works best for this. Click HERE for those settings. In my experience simple images work the best, hence the leaf, LOL!

After Coloring with Bic Markers
I used these great Bic Mark It Ultra Fine Point permanent markers to color the leaf and then I used my heat gun to shrink it. What I really like about these pens is that they didn’t smear or come off in any way, even the heat didn’t affect them. That’s GREAT!

Ready for the Table!
I think it turned out really well! DH gave me a cool set of craft wire a while back and I never used it. I was so happy to pull it out and use it today. Yesterday, I used buttons for the first time in a craft and today wire. Now I’m in love with them both. I think I’m going to need a whole bolt of wire and a vat of buttons.

Guess what? That’s another of those candlesticks I bought at the Dollar Tree. LOVE! Remember when I used them to create Hurricane lamps? That was super cool. I’m now in love with buttons, wire and the Dollar Tree. LOL.

These are the markers that I used.
These markers will mark on almost any surface including glass, metal, plastic, coated paper + you can use them on shrink film and they do great under the continued blast of a heat gun. YAY!! They are also Acid-Free, so you don’t have to worry about using them to journal in a scrapbook. They’re great for that. Very Cool.
Bic has been so generous to donate a 36 pack of these Ultra Fine Point Bic markers AND a 36 pack of Fine Point Bic markers (retail $41.98) to THREE WINNERS!!! EXCITING!! Please leave a comment on this post and I’ll use Random.org to choose 3 winners on Friday, October 8, 2010. GOOD LUCK!!
2010/10/04 at 6:56 AM
Awesome give-a-way Joy!! I’ve seen that wire used with beads to wrap around serving forks/spoons. They are kind of cool.
2010/10/04 at 11:15 AM
Joy, you never disappoint us! 🙂 There’s always something new to learn on your blog. I love the diversity of your projects. Thanks for the chance to win!
~ Frances
2010/10/05 at 7:57 PM
I could have used these pens today! lol I made a Daisy t-shirt for my daughter’s friend with paint, but I want to add the meaning of each petal on the shirt also.
Don’t forget you can also click HERE and leave a comment to be eligible to win a Cricut Vinylology DVD! AND … At the end of October, I will pick 5 winners who’ve left a comment on any non-give away post on Joy’s Life during the month of October. Those 5 winners will win some crafty surprises. So, you can leave a comment on all the give away posts AND on non Give Away posts and till have a chance to win tomorrow!
Bics tick ! Awesome idea!
Thanks again Joy, if I win this one I will have to come back here to copy what you did. I just love it
I havent played with shrinky dinks since I was a kid! The markers look awesome. Thanks for the chance to win.
Never trided shrinky dinks. Awesome project. Thanks for sharing all your inspiration.
OK, I bought Shrinky Dink stuff last time I was at a craft store but I still haven’t used it, I am thinking to sorta craft-lift the leaf idea but do napkin rings for Thanksgiving! Also the pens look fab! Thanks for the chance to win.
Your leaf charm is so pretty! I’ve never tried cutting shrink plastic before!
Great idea! I’ve never used these markers on shrink stuff, I’d love to win them and try it!
Thanks for all your hard work and sharing with us!
Hey joy- i just bought my first package of shrinky dinks!!!! so excited to give it a try. thank you for all your ideas and great detailed instructions that go with them.
I don’t have any of these markers….:-))
Always looking for new followers on my blog if you are interested…..:-)
I have bought shrink film so long ago and never used it. I have to try this today! Thank you. Kathy
I didn’t realize you could cut shrink plastic on a Cricut! Thanks for the tutorial – gonna have to try this. Thanks for the chance to win the markers 🙂
I can’t wait to try the shrinky dinks. What a cool idea. Thanks for the chance to win an awesome prize.
[email protected]
Make your own Shrinky Dinks! So cool!
Thanks for the opprotunity to enter! There is a ton of cool colors there! Great for shadowing and adding depth to projects! Once again, proof there really is a SuperJoy!
[email protected]
Super Awesome Super Joy…..these would really come in handy for when I draw……:D
I have never used shrinky dinks. I have tried one of those pens and would LOVE to have a set! Thanks for the info!
Ohhh, I would love to win these markers. I’m a teacher and I can think of so many uses in my classroom:-)
I could have used these pens today! lol I made a Daisy t-shirt for my daughter’s friend with paint, but I want to add the meaning of each petal on the shirt also.
Really fun! Thanks for the super chance to win.
I absolutely LOVE these pens!! I only have a small pack though… Would really enjoy using all those colors — I usually stand in WallyWorld and drool at the packs of Bic Markers… Imagine the fun I could have with all those 🙂
Thanks for the chance to win ’em!!
Amy 🙂
Ohhh neat! I love to use shrink film with punches and dies, but this is an even better idea with a lot more choices. What a great giveaway!
I need some of this shrinky stuff! way cute!
This looks like fun! I love that the markers work, when I went to CHA I made shrinky dinks, and I had to color on them with colored pencils and it took a long time! This looks much easier
I love this, I did wine charms for a gift one year and used shrink plastic. I will have to go and see what size you made these, I missed that part. Love how you wrapped the wire around the wine glass and charm.
angel hugs
I heart shrink plastic, but I haven’t put it through my Cricut yet. Great project, I love green and copper together. Thanks for the chance to win, Bic and Joy!
I see all kinds of Christmas package decorations in my future! Thanks forshowing such great ideas!
This project is awesome Joy!
I never even thought of using Shrinky Dinks like this!
Actually…I didn’t even know they were still around!
I don’t think I’ve used them since my kids were little.
The bic pens are great too!
What an easy but effective way to bring beautiful color into your project with no mess!
I’ve got to try this. You are so talented and I love reading your blog!
Thank you all for the wonderful comments! 😀
I really HAVE to try this! IT came out so super cut.
WTG Bic.. I love how you incorporated it.. neat candlestick!
I’ve never messed with shrinky stuff either.
Love shrink film too! I didn’t even think about using Bic pens on them….how fun will that be and look at all those lovely colors yum!! Got to say your website is wonderful!!! Now I won’t get my laundry folded looking at all your wonderful projects.
Super cute project. I have not tried the shrink film yet but I can’t wait to give it a go! TFS
What a great project! I have shrinky dink material I purchased to stamp on, but I think I might just use it with my E… thanks for the super idea! Guess that’s why you are SUPER JOY!! 🙂
tahoe_luvr at yahoo dotcom
I love these markers. I have a few, but not all these colors. I would really like to try some shrinky dinks too. Thanks Joy! You always have to best giveaways!
Love this idea, I have never tried to cut shrink plastic with the cricut but I will now lol. The colour intensity of those markers is great too once shrunk.
Kim xXx
Thank you for a novel idea…candlelight is a lovely glow and adds so much to any occasion.
I remember making shrinky dinks with my children when they were little but did not know until recently that you could still buy the shrink paper. I will have to look for it. I would love to win those markers. How do they measure up next to Copic markers?
You introduce so many different materials that I never even thought of using for crafting! Those markers are a great prize! Thanks for the chance to win!
Love it…wonder how craft paint would hold up if it would work or if markers is the best way to go.
Wow! You have such amazing ideas! Thanks for sharing.
All I can say is wow! I love your site, been wanting to work with shrinky dink but not knowing what to do. All I need now is to win the markers, and I can get out the shrinky dink plastic and have fun. Looking forward to looking around and thanks for the opportunity to win!
So smart. I would have never thought of this. Great way to use the old tools.
You are so creative! Thanks for the ideas.
Hi Joy! Thanks for more inspiration! Now I have to add more new crafty products to my shopping list! 🙂 I love reading your blogs. You’re a hoot!
I just discovered you and your wonderful talent and will definitely become a follower! Your stuff is AMAZING!
thanks for the tips and hints….you have done all the “work” for me, now I can have a perfect project the first time!
Great project! Great prizes!
Thanks, Kathy
[email protected]
Those look like they would be a great addition to any craft project
I love it and now I need that cupcake cart!! I hope I win! JOY
Hoping to see markers coming my way, love all the great ideas Joy!!