One Million Hits


This past weekend I went to my first crop ever!  It was a Cricut Circle crop held in Georgia.  What fun!  I made some new friends, connected with some people that I knew online, met some Joy’s Life friends and got to see friends that I’d met when I worked at the Charlotte, North Carolina Creating Keepsakes Convention in August.  (CKC Convention and Part One My Trip Home Post then Part Two.)  I even got to do a quick vinyl/Cricut Vinylology demo during the Crop!  That was quite an honor since the two other people who did demos were the fun leader of the show, Shannon from Provo Craft and Teresa Collins!!  Shannon was super nice as well as very informative and hilarious.  The talented Teresa Collins did a make and take with papers from her new Cricut Imagine cartridge.  So cool!  At the end of the day, as if the day hadn’t already been fun enough, I won something sooo cool!  I’m going to make you wait a bit to see it though.  I’ll do a post with it soon. 😉

As if all that fun wasn’t enough, I got home and found out that Joy’s Life had gone over the 1 MILLION hit mark!  WOW!  That means it’s time to CELEBRATE!!  THANK YOU ALL!!


Leave a comment to be entered for a chance to win a brand new Gypsy.  You can get an extra entry if you’ll join my newsletter (scroll down the right hand side of this page to sign up), another entry if you’ll “Like” me on Facebook (left hand side of this page) and another entry if you’ll follow me on Twitter (left hand side of this page).  Just let me know in your comment if you decide to do any of those things. 🙂  I’ll choose a winner on March 15, 2011 and will post the winner here.


mays331 Says: March 7th, 2011 at 6:30 PM e

Congrats!!!! How fab is that???? Would LOVE to win a Gypsy!!! I have gotten your newsletter for a long time now and have followed you on facebook for a while also! Thanks for the chance to win!!!!

Thanks Again My Friends AND Good Luck!

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  1. Congrats on hitting the 1 MILLION mark!! You brighten the day of many a scrapper, Joy!! 🙂

  2. Wow! One million hits is tremendous. I enjoy your site and am glad to see that so many others do too.-Amy

  3. Congrats! You are awesome! I love your site and am already a follower and get your newsletter! Thanks for the chance to win!

  4. I wanna win!!! I have been wanting a gypsy for awhile now but was not sure I had the time or energy (with two young boys) to learn and master it. I am already a follower on FB and your newsletter!! Thanks and congrats.

  5. What a sweet giveaway! I already get your newsletter and like you on FB. Congrats on your million!

  6. great to be a MILLIONAIRE, Joy. I’d love to be able to create wherever I am. Already a follower on FB, heading to sign up for newsletter

  7. Awesome giveaway Joy! Thanks so much for the chance to win!!!! I already “like” you on Facebook and I am subscribing to your newsletter!

  8. Congrats on a million hits, it is awesome that you are giving away gypsy! Thanks. I have been signed up for your email for awhile and now I liked you o n FB again thanks for this chance
    upnurse at aol dot com

  9. Congrats on the hits and being a winner at the crop. I’m sure it was something wonderful. And how WONDERFUL are you for giving away a Gypsy!!!! Love it. Thanks for the chance to win. papermemories4u @ yahoo . com

  10. Joy I feel like I’m stalking you I heart you so much! I’m a fb fan of both joyslife and joy joyslife and I receive ur newsletter! You are so down to earth and funny! I love your blog! Thanks for the chance to win!

  11. Congrats Joy! You deserve it! Glad you had such a good time! I’ve been signed up to your mailing list since the start and I loveeeee both your facebook pages! and I check your blog all the time!
    it’s so sweet of you to give away a gypsy. it’s probably the only way I’d ever get one haha!

  12. WOW! Congrats on a million hits. I’ve been wanting a gypsy… yes, newsletter – yes, facebook. Thanks for the chance.

    netter at q dot com

  13. A Gypsy! OMG….I would love to win that Gypsy. I watch all your videos and plan to own one someday. Also, if I continue to spend sooo much time on your site (instead of doing by day job) I am going to need that Gypsy as I will need to become a professional scrapbooker to pay the bills!! Seriously, I love your sight…enrolled in the newsletter, twitter and facebook!
    Thanks for all your hard work Joy…we all appreciate it!

  14. WOW !!!! Having a wonderful B’day……except!!! my Gypsy broke yesterday, is it FATE that you are giving one away !!!!! I follow you everywhere, but i am not a stalker, lol just addicted !!!! lol…Congrats and thanks for all you do for us…COME ON Randomm number pick mEEEEE!!!!!!

  15. Congrats on ONE MILLION hits…wow! Can’t wait to see what you won at the crop…I hear PC gives away some great prizes! Thanks for the chance to win a Gypsy…what a TERRIFIC giveaway! 🙂 I’ve been following for months, but I just became a newsletter subscriber too.

    ~Sharon C.

  16. WOW!!!!!!!! One Million. You must be feeling pretty good right now, and you deserve to be. Congrats to you. I thoughly enjoy your blog and have learned so much from you. I like you on facebook and did sign up for your newsletter. Thank you for all you do for us here on blog-land.
    [email protected]

  17. Love giveaways! Especially great ones like this one. I have toyed with getting a gypsy, just not sure. I am a superfriend and have signed up for your newsletter. Thanks for the chance to win!

  18. Congratulations on 1 million hits!! What an awesome giveaway!! I subscribed to your newsletter, and “liked” you on facebook. I’m keeping my fingers crossed…


    dkborton at gmail dot com

  19. WOW!! One million is a lot!!! Congratulations!!! I am a subscribing member to your newsletter and I already like you on Facebook. I really NEED THAT GYPSY!!
    Heck I need 50 hours a week to just Scrap.

  20. What a great contest!
    One million. Can remember when it was only a handful of us. Congratulations!!!!
    I all ready like you and will sign up for news letter.

  21. Oh boy, oh boy, 1 million hits! Congratulations! And a gypsy giveaway!! Pick me, pick me……

  22. Congratulations Joy! What an accomplishment. I am a follower, have signed up for the newsletter, liked you on facebook and follow on twitter. I would love to be able to give the gypsy to my daughter.

  23. What a great giveaway! It is great that so many people are looking at your wonderful website!

  24. What an awesome giveaway. I’ve subscribed to your newsletter and liked your facebook page. Thanks for the chance to win.

  25. Congrats!!! I’ve been a follower for a long time and enjoy seeing all the wonderful things you create and I love that you show us how to do them too! You are fabulous!!! Thanks so much!

  26. Woo Hoo! Congrats on a million hits! I love visiting your blog each day!

    Ksully4597 at aol dot com

  27. Congrats on the the million mark! What an achievement!. I “like” you on facebook and geceive your newsletter. Thanks for the great giveaway!. Kimberly

  28. Oooh the suspense. Can’t wait to find out what new toy / product you won and share with us. I would love to win the gypsy and craft it forward to my DD who is finally getting the crafting bug

  29. WOW! That’s so awesome! Congrats! I’m so inspired by your blog and love your sense of humor. Makes me laugh and who doesn’t like to do that? Thanks for the giveaway. Very generous. I ‘liked’ you on FB, too.

  30. Hi Joy! Congrats on the huge milestone!!!!!!

    Thanks for the opportunity to win such a great giveaway!

    I already get your newsletter, I’ve “liked” you on FB for a while now, and I follow you on Twitter! 🙂

    cricutingcarol @

  31. Sounds like a great crop, glad you enjoyed your weekend!! Congrats on 1 million hits – thanks for the chance to win!

  32. Congratulations!! on you million hits. Glad you had fun on your crop. Thanks for the giveaway. I already like you on facebook and I follow you on twitter and I am signed up for your news letter so that makes 4 chances to win. It would be so great to win a gypsy! Thanks for the chance to win!

  33. What a fantastic prize! If I am lucky I would pass this to Abbey as she doesn’t have a Gypsy yet! Sorry I missed the Circle I was in Vegas baby!!!!

  34. My mom has a gypsy and takes it with her everywhere she goes. I would love to win one so we could create together. It would be like PS2’s for grown ups! LOL!!

  35. WOW!!!!!! 1 Milloin!!!!!!!
    I Love your Blog JOY!!!!
    thank you sooo much for the chacne to win, I am already a friend on FB, and I already sub. to your newsletter………

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