Go Joy…It’s Your Birthday…LOL!!

Strawberry Shortcake Birthday

Really?!  Is that for me? 😀

Hey Everybody!!  Today is my b’day. 😀  Yesterday, I told you that today I was going to post about the Easter Basket I made with the Cricut Seasonal Easter cartridge, but I didn’t realize it was so late in the week already.  So, I’ll post that tomorrow and hope you’ll understand.

Today, DH took the day off and is taking me out this morning to our favorite breakfast spot.  IDK why we bother picking up the menu there because we always order the same thing! Basically, it’s just Eggs Benedict, but instead of Canadian Bacon it’s turkey.  I tell you, it’s GREAT!  I’m picky about my Hollandaise sauce too.  You know why?  Because I can actually make it from scratch!!  I’m so proud.  See, every year DH and I have a huge day after Thanksgiving breakfast.  We usually have about 20 people.  It started years ago and rather simply with donuts, eggs, basics.  Then as the years went on and people kept looking forward to it, I started making it more elaborate.  DH and I do all the cooking.  He taught me how to make Hollandaise sauce.  He’s a man of many talents.  Now we have a standard Day After Thanksgiving Breakfast that includes a raspberry cream cheese coffee cake, fruit salad, bacon, eggs, pancakes (for the kids and people who don’t like Eggs Benedict), Eggs Benedict, pots and pots of coffee, juices, milk AND (the best part) Mimosas. 😀  I heart champagne. 😉

Anyway, today we’re going to go out and do some fun things.  Tonight I’m having meat ravioli from my favorite ravioli place.  I’m a meat ravioli connoisseur.  It’s my fav.  Tomorrow DH is throwing me a party and I’m looking forward to family coming over.  I think he’s serving us all beef tenderloin with a horseradish sauce,  baked potatoes and salad.  That’s another of my favorite meals in the WORLD!  DH makes my cake every year, which is just the sweetest gift in itself, I think.  Especially because he follows a b’day tradition that started when I was 8 years old.  I have strawberry everything.  Yep.  Strawberry cake, strawberry icing, strawberry drinks, strawberry ice cream. 😀  He is so precious to me.  It’s so sweet that he continues this tradition AND makes the cake himself.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Ok, so…must start serious exercise regimen…let’s say…next week. 😉

I hope you all have a happy day!  Do I share a b’day with any of you?

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  1. Happy Birthday to you and my little man. He turns 6 today 🙁 where has the time gone!!! Happy birthday enjoy your breakfast.

    1. Thanks everyone!! We had a great time at breakfast and then DH went into Hobby Lobby with me. Say what?! Yes, he really did. 😉 I’m currently resting in a chair while my boys cater to me and DH prepares to go pick up dinner. Woo hoo! Hopefully, he won’t drive my car because DD pulled his car in all wonky after he took her for a driving lesson. I’m fairly sure if he pulls my car out, he’ll run right into his unless he is very careful. I did some smooth maneuvering when I pulled in, LOL. DS#1 gave me the funniest card that he made. I’ll have to share it with you later.

      Thank you all for the birthday wishes!! They sure made me smile!
      Scrappermomof2, tell your precious little man “Happy Birthday”!! I know, that time just flies by. 🙁 DD leaves for college in 2 years! Where did that time go? She was just born like…the other day!!

  2. Happy Birthday!
    It sure does sound like a wonderful time you have planned. Your “tradition” reminds me of one of mine that was long ago forgotten. My grandma always made me a spice cake. I am sure my hubby could follow a box mix so I am going to tell him next month he has to bring mine back too!!
    Have a GREAT DAY

  3. Happy Birthday, Joy!!!

    Wow…what a man!!! I don’t think I would want to eat any cake my husband made for me…LOL!!!!

    Enjoy your day and your party tomorrow, and I can’t wait to see the basket you made!!! 🙂

  4. Happy Birthday Joy!!! Hope you enjoy your day and your breakfast with the hubby! 🙂 CarolH

  5. wishing you a year filled with crafting! happy birthday joy and thank you for all you do!

  6. Oh Joy you have made my little man smile!! He thought it was awesome you put that on your page!!! Hope all went well with the car situation LOL!!!

    1. Thank you, Gale!! I did have a nice b’day…and my inlaws gave me cash for my b’day…I’m just searching for some craft items to spend it on. 😀 Woo hoo!

  7. Happy Extended Birthday Wishes!!! I just love February birthdays!! We have a lot in our family. My step-mom 3rd, my BIL 6th, mine 8th, SIL 9th, SIL 10th, Nephew 11th, Niece 14th, and another Niece 23rd. It is just one glorious month of celebration!! So glad to add another. Hope your day was fantastic!!

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