I’ve partnered with @UnileverUSA to help fight child hunger.

I write a lot about food because it’s something we all have in common.  We enjoy it.  We savor it.  We appreciate it.  We need it.

Not all of us can get it.

1 in 5 children in America face hunger every day.  Every day.

Share A Meal - Feed the Hungry & Help Locally #ShareAMeal @UnileverUSA

Unilever wants to do something to change that. That’s why – in partnership with Feeding America – they are providing a million meals to those in need this holiday season.

You can help them provide a million more!  It’s easy!

Share A Meal - Feed the Hungry & Help Locally #ShareAMeal @UnileverUSA

You can post with the hashtag #ShareAMeal with a simple like or retweet!  You can also take a photo of an empty plate and share it on Instagram or Twitter tagging #ShareAMeal.  When you do that, Unilever will donate a meal to Feeding America.  What a simple way to help!

Help by buying Unilever products in-store or online. When you buy a participating Unilever product like Dove or Hellmann’s in-store with their coupon delivered in the Sunday paper on November 15, or on Amazon Prime Pantry, Unilever will donate one meal to Feeding America.

What can you do locally?

You can give back to your community by supporting Feeding America or your local food bank.  Share a meal in your home, neighborhood or local community.

In the last 5 years, Unilever has been able to provide more than 30 million meals to those in need, through their partnership with Feeding America.

So #ShareAMeal today.  You won’t see a food post on my blog, twitter or Instagram today, just the #ShareAMeal photo.  I hope to help draw attention to the important hunger issue in our country.

Go #ShareAMeal – You CAN help!

Learn more at brightfuture.unilever.us

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