Joy’s Birthday Party

Thank you all so much for the wonderful birthday wishes you left me through Facebook, email and here.  I really appreciate it!!  A lot of people wanted to see how the cake my DH made for my annual strawberry themed b’day party turned out, so here it is!  It was delicious!

Instead of using water, he made a strawberry puree’.  In the middle, he let a sugar sweetened puree soak in.  He iced the cake with chocolate and layered the middle and top with fresh sliced strawberries.

My nephew helped place and blow out my candles.  He also helped me open some presents.  I was super happy to see that he was wearing the shirt I made for him!  Remember when I tried out the freezer paper and Cricut technique?

I’m wearing a piece of pink fabric that my nephew brought me from MIL’s sewing room.  He said it was a scarf and told me how to wear it.  I wore it the rest of the evening while he was there.

My big gift was a Keurig Platinum Brewing SystemI was hugely surprised and instantly loved it.  I love coffee and really like to have it fresh and hot when I want it, but I feel guilty about making a whole pot just for a cup or two.  This is the perfect gift for me.  Everyone brought me coffee related gifts and I have enough K-cups for it that I could host a convention.  LOL!  I made 5 different coffees the very next morning!

Wondering what strawberry drink DH made me for my yearly strawberry everything birthday?

Yep, a champagne drink with strawberries.  Perfection.  Here it is sitting on my messy desk the night before my b’day.  At my party, I had a similar champagne drink.

DH also surprised me with an early decadent chocolate and strawberry cake treat.  I don’t know WHAT happened to THAT champagne and strawberry drink.  It must have been empty when he gave it to me.

I was so touched by this card I got from my teenage daughter and her friends.  I want to give a public thanks to them all for their absolute thoughtfulness and kindness.  I felt very special and lucky to receive this card.

I have to tell you, DH called a local donut shop and had them make special strawberry eclairs for the morning of my b’day!  I didn’t know they even made strawberry eclairs.  So sweet!

Thanks again everyone!

Now I’m going to coffee up and get a crafty post ready for tomorrow!!

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  1. It looks like you had a wonderful birthday, Joy!! I love my Keurig coffee system. I have 3 of them. They make the best cup of coffee and it’s always perfect no guesswork. Thanks for sharing your day with us. I hope your week is just as blessed!


  2. I’m so glad you had a fun filled birthday! you are going to be absolutely love your Keurig. I have one at work with lots of different flavored coffee that’s stashed in my drawer!!! Have a great week!

  3. I’m so glad you had a good birthday! All of your treats looked so good, too. It’s a good thing I wasn’t there or I would’ve gained 5 pounds! It sounds like your husband really knows how to make someone feel special.

  4. What a great birthday you had. Your family sure put a lot of thought and love into your special day. You deserve it !! Keep enJOYing it.

  5. So glad you had a wonderful birthday!!! It’s great to have so many wonderful friends. Love the strawberry everything!

  6. Happy Happy Birthday Joy! Looks like you had a “sweet” birthday! May you be blessed with many more!

  7. You sure had a wonderful Birthday. DH did a great job on the cake, presents, drink and other surprises. Your surprise card from your daughter and friends was a very special card. Everyone loves their Super Joy! Thank You for sharing pictures of your special day…it is always fun to see others having fun. Happy for You!
    quilt 4 fun 2 at hot mail dot com

  8. Looks like you had a wonderful birthday! That strawberry cake makes my mouth water. I can’t wait til June when the first fresh sunripened berries come. Yummm.

  9. What a wonderful party looks like you had a marvelous time. I love the scarf your nephew gave you how cute was that and what a great Aunt to wear it while he was there. You are truly blessed.

    Later Tater,

  10. Great way to celebrate. Maybe zippy drank your champagne drink. LOL. Beautiful card, our kids do surprise us from time to time and the scarf was fab

  11. Sounds like you had a wonderful day. What a great hubby to make that awesome looking cake and do everything up so special for you. Happy belated Birthday to you.!

    Lisa Scrappingpinklady

  12. Oooh, that cake looks yummy….how fun to have strawberries every year! You’re gonna love the Keurig system…so many flavors that go well with chocolate! 🙂 TFS!

    ~Sharon C.

  13. What a total sweetheart your DH is! My mouth is salivating just reading your post because I LUV strawberries. I’m so happy you had such a “sweet” birthday!

  14. ah….your hubbie is sooo sweet, sounds like your Birthday was amazing….you are going to love your Keurig, my hubbie LOVES coffee, me not so much, but I do LOVE there Hot Chocolate and White Hot Chocolate, we have 3 Keurigs now, I just bought him a mini for his B-day he travels sometimes for work and he can take it camping with us this year…..
    Happy Birthday Joy!!!!!!

  15. Happy Birthday Joy! Hope your Birthday was special…. Have a good one all the way from Honolulu, HI Kaleilani58

  16. Sounds like you had an AWESOME Birthday and you really do have such an WONDERFUL Hubby! :o) Everything looked great and to have the Keurigs for a gift is totally AWESOME! You are going to be on a caffine HIGH! LOL

  17. Looks like your DH did an excellent job, that cake looks so yummy!! So glad you had a great day!!

  18. what a thoughtful dh you have! if he ever feels the need to make a strawberry chocolate cake for a complete stranger, I’d be happy to be that stranger.

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