Great Scott! It’s almost Valentine’s Day!

 You know what I love about this project, besides it’s supremely cute Scotty?  The price.  I used vinyl scraps and bought this vase and candy from the Dollar Store.  SWEET!!!  AND…the Scotty cutting file I’m using, Great Scott It’s Love, is only $2 right now.  PAWS for that awesomeness.  LOL!  Here’s a link to the whole Great Scott Collection.  I think it’s so cute.

Make it work for you!

It takes a little planning but you can lay your scraps out on your virtual and actual mat and cut everything out at one time.  Notice how the images on my computer screen match where the vinyl is?  You can do this!  Just to be sure…you might want to do a test cut with paper.  I’m just sayin’.

I got rid of the daybed in here and put this temporary table in it’s place.  I love it!

 Today I’m using the Silhouette Cameo to cut my vinyl.  If you’ve been reading my blog for a while then you know that I have a DVD about using vinyl with the Cricut.  Why use the Silhouette Cameo then?  Well, I like the options that using a machine like this gives.  I’m able to import .svg and other files from a variety of different sources instead of only using what’s available on a cartridge.  I still love the Cricut though, you can be sure of that!  This is just another option  for creating.

I am using a Cricut mat in my Silhouette.  I prefer it over the Silhouette mats and it fits…so YAY!

I’ve weeded the vinyl and covered it with transfer tape.  Now I’ll layer this black piece over the white piece on the left.  That’s what gives the scotty the whites of his eyes.  Honestly, you could just cut a tiny piece of white vinyl and put it behind his eyes unless this is going on glass where the back side might be seen and therefore would look…cruddy.

This Scotty has gone to pieces.
This Scotty has gone to pieces.

TA DA!  I layered that Scotty on the white like a pro!  (Actually, it’s a fraction of an inch off  but we’re ignoring it.  LOL!)  I used to do this professionally but anyone can learn to use vinyl.  I PROMISE.  Just give it a try!  Alrighty, now we’re going to layer these other pieces. Except…well, this pro cut the scarf pieces on the wrong color.  Bah ha ha!  It happens.  I cut them out again reversing the pinks.

Dig my purple fingernails. LOL!

Scotty is covered in transfer tape and ready to move on to the heart vase.  ARF!

Scotty vinyl vase at

He’s looking pretty good on his trip to the vase.

Vinyl Scotty Heart Vase at

I was going to give this away but I think I kinda LOVE IT…so it’s living on my desk for now.  Arf!  See all the cute Scotty cut files and images like the one I used at Lettering Delights.  Now you go try it!

Happy Crafting!

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  1. I love this and layering with the transfer tape is so much smarter than trying to layer on the vase! I was wondering, WHY do you prefer the cricut mats? I don’t have a cricut, just the Cameo, so I would like to know how they are different! Thanks!

  2. Doggone cute! Actually since you seem to be keeping it, its not actually dog”gone” but still adorable! And I’ll hazard a guess at why you prefer the Cricut mats. I have this, um… friend, who cut thin cardboard on it for bookmarks using the double cut feature… then foolishly forgot to uncheck that option, and change the blade and paper settings before switching back to card stock. Needless to say I… er, my friend, cut right through the Silhouette mat! ; ) Grrr! That wouldn’t have happened with the Cricut mat cause they are more durable almost like a self healing cutting mat. Got to say I still prefer the Silhouette mat since I was forever losing the clear covers to the Cricut mats on my desk!!! I do wish Silhouette would have made the blue covers just a hair bigger so you didn’t have to line up the cover *exactly*. ~Karen

    1. Karen,
      That’s a good guess! I’m still holding a mat grudge over this incident: cut up silhouette mat
      In general, they are much stronger and I can trust that they won’t wimp out on me. I even cut directly on my Cricut mat using a craft blade (Exacto knife) when I’m trimming vinyl pieces that I’ve just cut. Thumbs up to that durability. However, thumbs down to Cricut because they stopped making this mat. BOOOO! I have a ton of them, so for now I’m in luck. I haven’t tried their newer mats in the Silhouette because I don’t like Cricut’s new mats and I try not to use them. Eventually, I hope either Silhouette will improve their mats – unlikely because they’ve always used this style – or Cricut will…also unlikely. Oh, well. Good point about that blue cover not going over the whole mat area. I agree with you completely, covering your mat shouldn’t be a project in itself. 😉

  3. Rats, I urgently need new mats as the silhouette ones are almost cut through. I am making 50 kits for the craft project I am leading at our church ladies retreat. I have two new mats and I am not sure if I will make it through all my cutting! I was planning on buying the cricut mats as they are available in a six pack and cheaper than the silhouette mats, but you say the new cricut mats are also low quality. I don’t know what to do!!!

    1. Hi Lynne,
      It’s a tough call! See if you can borrow a mat from a friend and see which one you like the best. The old Cricut mats are my favorite but they have become hard to find. The main reason I don’t use the newer ones is because I have a lot of the old ones and prefer them. However, if I ran out of my old ones, I would definitely use the newer. 😉 I know that was round about but I hope it helped. In short…buy the ones you can get your hands on. 😉
      Happy crafting!

  4. I found six-packs of Cricut mats on in both 12×12 and 24×12 sizes for a great price! Then when I added a 7% off coupon plus free shipping it was a no brainier, especially when compared to the price of the Silhouette mats! What I was wondering is, if I ever came across old mats, how would I distinguish them from the new mats? Is there any color difference or anything obvious? If I find some I want to snatch them up but I don’t know how to tell.

    Thanks so much for your help and your patience! I am working my way through your blog archive, so many wonderful projects and great tips!

  5. Adorable project BUT, won’t your puppy be jealous? My dinosaur silhouette machine died but I’ll have check ou a new one or maybe the new Sizzix or the new Cricut Explore??? Still love my cricut expression and I must say that theirNew improved mats REALLY are fabulous and last & last!
    Love your posts , keep them coming! ????

    1. Claire S,
      Saban would have been so sad…but I made it before I got her so she remains completely happy and unaware! LOL! I agree with you, that new Sizzix looks awesome and I’m excited to learn more about the Cricut Explore. I’m sad your dinosaur Silhouette died though. That’s a drag! I still love my Cricut Expression too. It’s a great machine. I haven’t tried the new mats but last night I used one of the old Cricut Imagine mats in my Silhouette Cameo and was THRILLED when it worked! Score! Saving on mats for a while as I work through my stash of them.
      Thank you for your comment!

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