Spiderman and Daredevil LOVE my car wash. 😉

I hope you enjoy this video!  I had fun making this cute car wash.  I think I feel the most satisfaction when I find a way to use things that would otherwise be thrown away, in a new way.  Did you know that is called “upcycling”?  Cool.

In this video, I’m using the Cricut Carousel cartridge and a Kleenex hand towels box.  I also mention another video that I made where I show you how to label the Cricut Lite tri-fold inserts.
Click HERE to view the “How to Label Cricut Lite Tri-Fold Insert” video.
You can click HERE to see all of my videos.

Have a Great Day!!

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  1. What a really cute idea, Joy. Thanks for the video. And I love your playtime at the end 🙂

  2. SO CUTE ….JOY My Grandson turned 1 year old the 27th when he gets to where he can play with the cars i will have to make him one…..good job

  3. great car wash! Cute idea! I’m going to go by some of those hand towels. Wanted to try them out too.

    Thanks for sharing!

    1. Mom2gabman,
      Thank you AND…I think you’ll LOVE those paper towels. The only drawback is how quickly they might fill up your garbage can! 😉

    1. SnipTuck,
      Getting the kiddo vote on being funny cannot be topped. Thank you to your 5 year old. Hi Cathy’s daughter!! You’re so sweet! 😀

  4. what a great font on that cart! I can just see embellishing it with a couple of toilet paper paper rolls wrapped in white felt and cut down and taped to the bottom of th box near the back to make the giant rollers for the cars to roll between 🙂
    Your videos are terrific, thanks for taking the time to share and inspire us all!
    Mary Jo

    1. Maryjo,
      You’re taking the Kleenex box car wash to a whole new level. I bet you’ll soon have it ready for us all to take our cars through it. 😉 LOL!
      Thank you!

  5. Joy u are too funny…lol. That is a great project. I am going to make one for my grandson Nicholas. Do u think u can make one for my car…it’s filthy…lol

    Lov ya,

  6. Great car wash!!! Love the pearl pens and really love your nail polish!! Purple is my favorite color and I usually have mine painted purple, too!!!

    1. Flipflopdiva,
      Those pearl pens are really fun! I like that they will go on so many different surfaces and dry within a reasonable amount of time. I’m glad you like the nail polish. I thought purple would be fun. 🙂 It’s one of my favorite colors too! 😀

  7. GREAT video Joy!!!! You are soooo funny, I love your videos
    I use to make these for my son when he was little, I didn’t have a cricut back then, so it wasn’t as decorated but he loved it…. I wonder if my son would still like one…he is 17 and drives his own truck now….hmmmm
    I am thinking not…but I wanna make one……

    1. SherriC,
      You never know. I say you make the car wash, leave it on a table with some little cars and set up a video camera. Hee hee hee. I’m betting he rolls a few through. 😉

  8. Hey Joy!
    I almost didn’t watch but am sooo glad I did! I have the Carousel cart and haven’t used it yet. I have been looking for a way to cut the banners and yea!! It’s on there! And I might have to make that car wash for my grandson. I bet Kleenex appreciates you!

    1. ConnieScraps,
      I’m glad you watched so you could find those banners! I thought they were a huge asset to that cartridge, especially with the recent popularity of banners. Thank you for watching! I wish Kleenex would send me a crate of those disposable hand towels. LOL! They’re great! 😉

  9. What a great idea I know if my kids were younger they would love it and spend so much time with it. I love to see what all you come up with for us
    Did you use glow-in-the dark paint



  10. I love how you get an idea, have no idea what you’re going to do, then record yourself doing it. And, don’t you love those towels? Like you, I’m always looking at things and thinking “there must be something I can make with this”. However, I’m not as clever and creative as you are so most of my leftovers go into the recycle container not into the upcycle box.

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