Here are links to all of the Joy’s Life videos so far.

All of the Joy’s Life Videos

Here is a link to all of the videos I have done.  Below you will find all of these videos categorized.  In the categories below, you may also find related non-video posts mixed in with the videos.  If you just want a list of every video I’ve done the link above is your buddy.  😉  I hope you enjoy them!

Joy’s Life “How To” Videos

These are videos where I show you how to use different products or how to use products in a different way!

Joy’s Life Gypsy Videos

The Gypsy Videos are all about the Gypsy by Provo Craft.  It works with a Cricut as a designing tool.  If you’ve never heard of the Gypsy or just bought one, you’ll learn a lot helpful beginner information from Gypsy Basics – Gypsy Video #1.  There are other videos about the Gypsy too and more to come!

Cricut Cake “Fake Cake” Videos

I converted my Cricut Expression into a Cricut Cake!  I call it a “Fake Cake” since it’s not a true Cricut Cake.  You can watch me cut things off of my old Expression to convert it into a “Cake” and see me make food things with it too!