Joy’s 1st Scrapbook Layout EVER – Cricut Country Life

It’s very hard to take a photo of both pages at once…another thing to learn! 😉

I was asked by a friend to do a scrapbook layout for a challenge that she hosts.  I’ve been asked to do scrapbook layouts before, but I never have.  I didn’t think scrapbooking was for me.  Well, I tried it…and I LIKE IT! 😀  Remember, this is the first layout I’ve ever done.  I know I have a lot to learn.  I do like that as opposed to making a card, which tells a very small story, a scrapbook page can tell a much larger story.  You have so much more room to be creative.  Something I’ll be working on?  Planning the page and using different shapes.  On this L/O, I cut first and planned later (like the last minute).  (Good grief.)  I’m crazy like that. 😉

Joy, why use the Country Life cartridge?  Do you live in the Country?

Page One (Left Side)

Nope. I’m a city girl…well, a suburbs girl.  I live about 45 minutes north of Atlanta, GA.  I LOVE the city.  My top four favorite cities are (in order) New York, Washington D.C., Atlanta and Boston.  So why the Country Life theme?  Ah HA!  That’s because DH (dear husband) and my 3 Super Babies are helping create a garden in our backyard.  We had a small one last year and this year we are expanding.  DH is also teaching the boys (one of whom is almost 6 feet tall already…still my baby) how to pour a concrete pad so we can extend our patio.  I stay very busy during all that so I don’t have to A: worry or B: help (LOL).

Page 2 (Right Side)

I know that scrapbook pages typically have journaling and photos in them, but I’ll have to add those later. 😉  Also, I don’t have many photos of my family on my blog because I feel weird about putting them up here.  I respect their privacy, but sometimes I’d like to share more of them with you.  They’re all super cute.  They look like hearts (in ’09) or a PEEP (a few days ago) though.  Here’s a beary sweet family photo.


I mostly used Stampin Up and K&Co paper and I just about WORE OUT MY XYRONS!!  Check this out:

Yep.  I Xyroned everything I could.  I used my Xyron 510 Creative Station for the big pieces and the Xyron 150 “X” for all of the little things.  I also used the Country Life Cricut cartridge.

I used my Baby Bug (Cricut Personal) for this whole Layout!

Want to know the difference between the Cricut Personal, Cricut Create, Cricut Expression and Cricut Imagine?  Click HERE for my post about the differences in those machines. Soon there will be a new Cricut released.  It’s the Cricut Expression 2.

I decided to use the Baby Bug because I wanted to sit in my bedroom and watch TV.  I sat in a recliner and pulled a small side table in front of me.  I was able to put the Cricut Personal on it and create my whole page.  WANNA SEE?

What’s on my shelf?  Movies and light bulbs.  Yes, I agree.  That is a weird combo.  Yes, I do need to organize it.  LOL!

The Baby Bug is a good machine to take to crops because it is small.  I will say that I was a bit irritated when I tried to make a tree bigger than 5 1/2 and I couldn’t.  Hey, everything has it’s limitations.  Size and the lack of extra functions is the drawback of the Baby Bug compared to the Expression, but I couldn’t work on a tiny table with the Expression.  😉  I ended up not even using the tree, but it sure was cute.  I’ll show you…

Isn’t that tree pretty?  I love it!  Too bad it didn’t fit when I was done.  Well, that goes back to my scrapbook layout inexperience.  I’ll figure it out.  It just might take me a while. 😉

I hope you enjoyed my post!  I gave my teenage daughter this Baby Bug and the same day I also took it back and made this layout.  Nice, Mom.  LOL!  I’m giving it back, don’t worry!  I want to show you soon what she made with it.  She’d never used a Cricut before and I only gave her a few pointers. She blew me away with her first time out creation. 😉


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  1. Joy your layout is really good! I can’t believe it’s your first, it’s fun once you get the hang of it. I haven’t gotten the hang of it yet, I still have 45,967,321 pictures that are waiting to be scrapbooked…… Keep up the good work my friend!!

    1. Poppycock,
      You and me both re: that amount of photos waiting in the wings. I could become completely frozen with panic if I thought too much about the photos I have sitting in boxes. Let’s just say my oldest is 16 and I haven’t even started on her photos. Then I have 2 more kids. Wait. I’m now frozen with panic. LOL! 😉

  2. Great layout! If you want your tree a little bigger and are working with the baby bug… just rotate it on the Gypsy. Easy peasy. Love that you stay busy so you don’t have to do the (second) thing. LOL!

    1. Thanks Lisa! 🙂 My Gypsy died. I’m so sad. So, I’m living Gypsy free for a while, but that is a great reminder about the tree. I appreciate it! 🙂

  3. Congratulations on your first layout. I love it. Very colorful and I don’t miss the tree. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Wow, Joy! This is really nice… especially for a first try! Not only are your creations always fantastic, but your blog is so interesting to read as well.

    Have a wonderful week!

    1. Thank you everyone! I’m so relieved AND happy to hear your encouraging and kind comments. 🙂 I’m glad I posted my 1st layout because I was too embarrassed to take photos of my first attempts with the Cricut and now I really wish I had pictures to show everyone the piles of paper I went through before I made my first successful cut. 🙂 It’s hard to be unafraid of sharing your beginnings sometimes, isn’t it? Thank you all for making learning and growing creatively a positive experience! HUGS TO YOU ALL!

  5. I can’t believe you have never scrap booked. You did a great job for a first time layout.


  6. This was your first LO? You did a great job! You should see mine! It has 5 pictures, a few stickers and a couple of colored triangles. HA! It looks so stark compared to what we all do now but I have to tell you, my family still loves to look through that book. For me, my Cricut changed how I scrapbook in the way it makes it easier to create the design I want to go with the pictures I have, so that the story I want to tell is there on the pages. I hope you continue to tell your family’s story.

    Oh, and bravo to you about keeping your family’s privacy! Once photos are on the net you can’t get them back, so you have to be selective about what you share.

  7. Great layout Joy!!. Thanks for sharing. I live about 100 miles from Atlanta myself. We are also planting this year. Groceries are getting way to costly:) Hope your garden produces well. Happy Easter!!

  8. Joy, you’ve got to be kidding! This is your first ever layout?! I just can’t believe it! You did a fabulous job on it and no one would ever guess that it was anyone’s first. It’s better than some of the layouts I do now and I’ve been scrapbooking for 13 years. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Way to go on your first time ever layout! Like you, I thought that scrapbooking was not for me, but now I want to do it so badly and have trouble getting started!! I have made only one LO and that was about 8 yrs. ago, and it definitely did not look like yours. Nice job. I’m looking forward to seeing your dd’s creation. TFS!


  10. I’d have never known that you weren’t a professional scrapbooker. You did awesome. You should really consider doing more scrapbooks. But please keep doing your other projects. I look forward to every post you add.
    Have a great Sunday.
    God Bless

  11. You did such a great job on your very first layout…you should see my first one (no…not really…I’m not showing anyone that)! Glad you like scrapbooking too…I started out scrapbooking, but went into cards (big family…lots of paper…voila – cardmaker). Thanks for sharing with us Joy!

  12. keep up the good work, I have gotten away from scrapbooking when I started making cards, I need to get back to doing it, I have picutres everywhere that need a home thanks
    upnurse at aol dot com

  13. Great LO, hope you fall in love and continue!! I love to scrapbook our family albums and preserve our memories to cherish!! And just keep in mind that if you had all your pictures scrapped, you’d have nothing to do – so don’t stress about all you have to scrap, just enjoy reliving those memories as you are creating your pages – for me, that’s the best part!!

  14. What a Marvelous Layout Joy! 1st one eh??? You seem more experienced than that! 🙂 It’s actually quite CUTE! and I’m curious as to how you managed to cut with the baby bug in such a small space? Heck even when I used my Baby bug I needed more room than that! LOL Looking forward to seeing what your daughter creates with this machine…. I’m sure the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree! 🙂

  15. What a great job…glad you finally decided to try scrapbooking! You just might not want to go back to cards…or have the time if you are inspired to get some photos albums made into memory books! Good luck with future L/Os!

  16. You did a great job on your 1st lo! Scrapbooking is a lot of fun! That is always my summer project as it takes my longer so I can’t wait for summer to roll around 🙂

  17. Joy I love it. I have mastered the card thing and can whip those in a flash. But layouts are my weekness. Im going to try and make yours its super cute and I have the same cardstock. Love seeing the layouts!! Thankyou

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