This post was written in 2011, but could now be created with most electronic die cut machines, like Silhouette or Cricut.

In honor of the Hanging with my Peeps blog hop …
I decided to turn people into Peeps.

SEE?! That used to be DH, but he turned into a PEEP!! What a good sport he was too. 😉 He took the photos of the mirror for me…and squatted down just so he could fit into the Peep hat.

I used my Silhouette SD to cut all the vinyl peeps. The bunny/peep image comes from this file by Lori Whitlock.

I made multiples of the peep shape for cutting in bulk.

The Silhouette makes vinyl settings a snap. See how it helps you choose everything? Nice. A few drawbacks of the Silhouette? It’s too small for work over about 8″ wide. (I wrote this before the Silhouette Cameo came out. The Cameo can cut 12″ wide and the pro versions, even wider.) It can’t cut tough materials, but it does a great job with standard materials.

I did some welding and cutting of shapes to and from the Peep in order to create the Peep hat.

Put your Peep hat on! 😉

I hope you enjoyed my Peep mirror project!
Don’t forget to leave a comment at the end of this post to be eligible to win a DCWV glitter paper stack. I’ll post the winner here on April 21.
# brokenoptimist Says:
April 15th, 2011 at 1:54 PM e
Love the mirror idea. You one have the craftest minds I have ever seen. The colors are awesome also.
TFS, Becki

Check out my newest stamp set…it has a PEEP message on it! 😀
I just love your Peep Mirror. My little Grand children would love this. So Creative. TFS :0)
cindymarshall63@hotmail dot com
this is soooo cute!!!!!
What a cute & different idea for easter, I just love your ideas! jenny.naus at yahoo dot com
So cute. 🙂
Happy Anniversary!!
Your design team ROCKS! Totally!!