My daughter needed a visual aid for a verbal book report she did, so I gave her my Cricut Personal(Baby Bug) to use and told her she could use any of my Cricut Cartridges that she needed.  She chose these 4.

Using a 12×12 piece of cardstock, papers from my scrap box and only a few pointers from me about how to use the Cricut my daughter created what I think is a great first time project!  Here it is:

This is my daughter’s 1st Cricut project and I think she did a great job!

I was amazed that she was able to create this in a very short amount of time being that she had never used a Cricut before.  She got a 100% on her visual aid too.  YAY!


I have to tell about my experience when I got my first Cricut, which was the Expression.  I bought the Baby Bug later so I could answer questions about using the Gypsy and other things with the Baby Bug.  Like  many people, I bought my Cricut on HSN.  I was so excited to order it and couldn’t wait for it to get to my house.  The day it arrived I had a pad of scrapbooking paper and I got started as soon as I had unpacked it.  Well, my paper stuck to the mat.  When I got that to stop happening I ended up tearing most of the paper because I didn’t have any of the settings right.  I felt really inept and pretty defeated that I had a huge pile of paper and nothing to show for it.  I wanted so badly to be able to make a card for my husband to thank him for encouraging me to buy the Expression.  Finally, I cut a flower and the words “thank you” using the Walk in My Garden cartridge.  I glued them to a folded piece of cardstock and there was my card.  It was very basic, but I had had done it myself!  I was so happy, proud and hooked on the Cricut.

She did such a good job using a white gel pen to show the progress of the car on the trip!

I’m happy that my daughter was able to get so much out of using the Cricut her first time out!  I can only imagine what her future creations will look like.  I’ve given her the Baby Bug, though it will probably reside in my craft room which is just in the planning stages right now.  I’ll share more about that as it begins its “tear down” and reformatting.

I hope you have a happy day!

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  1. Wow she really did do a wonderful job. Better than my first project. Hehehe mine sounds a bit like your joy. ;). Looks like we may have a mini me in the works. 🙂 fabulous job A+

  2. she did a treat job Joy! she most definitely has your talent! I can’t wait to see what you do with the ecraft. I’m contemplating getting one 😉

  3. She did a great job on her project. Your daughter appears to be cut out of the same mold you are. Thanks for sharing her project with us.

  4. I’m glad you shared her project, I was really wanting to see it! You both should be very proud. I just received my expression in February, so I haven’t had mine long. I took it out of the box and was pretty successful right off the bat……..wait I’m not being snotty here, the reason I was so successful was because of Joy’s site that I watched for a long time before I was able to get a cricut!! So Joy thanks for being my teacher!!!


  5. Tell your daughter she did an awesome job. I to struggle with my first cuts but was able to get help from all the bloggers and you-tubers like yourself.

  6. I don’t remember struggling with my first cuts… Or maybe I don’t want to remember! :o)
    Any who…Your daughter did a fab job! I like the road she created and the different colors for the items….. A well deserved A I’m sure! TFS

  7. Super job by your daughter. She is well on her way to being a crafty girl just like her mom.

  8. Your so good at explaining things Joy, your daughter couldn’t have done anything BUT a great job. I cannot wait for tomorrow’s post. I’ve been doing some research on the ecraft but have found very little on the actual workings of it.

  9. What a great way to encourage kids in school. I bet she had a blast making it. Your daughter did an awesome job!!

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