This sign Glows in the Dark!!

Did you see my Make the Cut sign part 1 post yesterday?  Well, here’s a link to it just in case you missed it.  I used Make the Cut to create the sign above.  The font is one I had on my computer and the image is just something I found after a quick Internet search.  I used my Cricut Expression to cut everything out.

You can change the mat color on MTC.  Mine’s pink!

You plug your computer with the Make the Cut software on it into your Cricut.

Here’s the background in orange vinyl.

You have to have a cartridge in your Cricut and load your mat before cutting with Make the Cut.  It doesn’t use the cartridge for anything else though.


This glow-in-the-dark vinyl is really thick!  It’s more difficult to weed than regular indoor vinyl.  The cool effect it gives is worth it though!

I cut out this ghostly trick-or-treater and also flipped the image so I could have my little ghost pointing in either direction.

I found that green sign at Hobby Lobby in the Christmas section.  The best thing about vinyl is that if I wanted to I could peel this Halloween creation off and make a Christmas sign.  For that matter, it could make a nice Spring sign too.

Hey, look!  It’s coming along!  Once you get vinyl layered it really starts to come to life.  You can learn how to use vinyl with your Cricut in my Cricut Vinylology DVD.  I teach you all about vinyl going from the basics to advanced techniques.  You’ll enjoy the projects we create too!

Wait until you see it glowing in the dark!

Pretty cool, huh?  I love it when projects glow!


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    1. Winnielosie,
      I bought that vinyl from H&H sign supply online. I’m going to try some other vendors next. H&H’s shipping is pretty high. 😉

  1. I really like this, it is so cute. That glow in the dark vinyl is perfect for this project. I can’t see the hook at the top but is it the kind of sign you could put another project on the back of and turn around depending on the season?, now that would be good for the pocket lol.
    Kim xXx

    1. Kim T,
      You’re exactly right! I was looking at that sign last night and thought, “Hey! If I put it against a solid door (instead of the glass one it’s on now) I could just flip it over and have a different holiday on the back.” Great idea!

  2. What a really great project! Will search out some glow in the dark vinyl and try something.
    Thanks for sharing!
    thomfam at inreach dot com

  3. Cute!! I didnt even think about peeling the vinyl off and changing for the seasons or whatever. Your so smart! Love the sign …really cute. Thanks for sharing ,Cindy

  4. Very cute! I love the glow in the dark vinyl. I haven’t braved the vinyl world yet – barely have time for paper crafting. I was thinking it would be fun to create window clings for the holidays 🙂 Thanks for your great projects!!

  5. Joy, I really appreciate the time and effort you put into your blog posts when your teaching us something new. Even though I dont’ have MTC you always give us such detailed info on whatever your doing. I really appreciate it. Thanks papermemories4u at yahoo dot com

  6. Love the glow in the dark vinyl. Awesome! I force myself to wait for H&H’s free shipping offers. “Vinally,” a Hobby Lobby moved into the area. Can’t wait to check it out. Love the sign.

  7. This is awesome! I just picked up the Glow in the Dark paint so I could make a t-shirt with my nephew! Now I’ll be on the hunt for the vinyl! LOL

  8. That turned out nicely. I love it. I am going to have to get some Glow in the Dark Vinyl.. Love your blog Joy! Just Love it. Still looking for the ghostie online but I’ll find it. Thanks for the tip..

  9. I thought the same thing as Kim T….why npot just use both sides of the sign 🙂 I’m curious if you had to do a multi cut on the glow-in-the-dark vinyl since you said it was thicker?
    I am really beginning to get tempted to try vinyl in my cricut…but I already have a big Christmas project in mind for my cricut with felt, so will have to get that accomplished before I try something else!

  10. Great job breaking it down one step at a time. As I read thru your comments, it amazes me that people seem so intimidated by cutting vinyl. To me, it just seems so much EASIER than cutting paper. To everyone who is so nervous about it, just GO FOR IT!! (-:

  11. How cool is that! I still haven’t cut vinyl with my Cricut! I’m gonna have to do something about that! 🙂

  12. That turned out really nice and I like that you can use the sign with other vinyl and make it multi-purpose.

  13. Great job…but you ALWAYS do a great job! That glow in the dark vinyl is pretty cool! Thank you!!

  14. my mom collects the old milk cannister things, the really big ones and she paints them black and sends them off to her friend who paints two scenes on them one on each side. my mom has a scene for every season so she just rotates which one sits by the front door

  15. My favorite place to get vinyl is and I buy $100 at a time to get free shipping, I know it is a bunch at one time but this way I only buy a couple times a year. I love this, note to self. Check to see if I have that font and add Glow in the dark vinyl to my next vinyl buy list!! Thanks Joy!

  16. Don’t you just love MTC!! I sure do. I got a cute purple sign with black glitter edges from Hobby Lobby that I want to do a halloween sign with just haven’t gotten around to it.

  17. Vinyl is my passion so far and this is great! I have never used the Glow in The Dark ones. Great idea once again!

  18. Love your sign! Where did you get the glow in the dark vinyl? I must have it ! Thanks for this idea!

  19. Great sign, Joy!! Any hints on good settings for the glow-in-the-dark vinyl? I have a sheet from H&H, but, given the price of it (*yikes*), I’m scared to cut into it!!! I normally cut vinyl on my Cricut with a pressure of 3 to get a nice “kiss-cut”, but with the thickness of this vinyl that doesn’t seem like enough.

    1. Zoenelson,
      I think that’s the setting I used. You might want to try that first on a tiny piece to see if that works well for you. 😉

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