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Naughty or Nice Sign Using Cricut & Gypsy

LOL!!  😀 I had so much fun making these signs.  I hardly want to take it off “naughty” it’s so red and sparkly!!

I used Lyrical Letters for my font and my Gypsy to weld everything.  Martha Stewart drove me CRAZY again with that Punch Around the Page Snow Flurry punch that I edged with.  Good Grief!  I just went to look at that previous Martha post (link above) and realized that I had the Snow Flurry corner punch that could have made this project a tad easier!  Duh!!  Oh well.  Geeze…maybe I should read my blog more often.  LOL!  I made each sign by wrapping cardstock around cardboard that I cut off of some boxes I received.  Cool!!

The whole truth and nuttin’ but the truth is that I made 3 of these signs.  However, you’ll just be seeing this one since I used all those time consuming snowflakes on this ONE.  The snowflakes come from various Cricut cartridges.  I used the search on my Gypsy to find them. 🙂  I used silver Stickles to draw on their sparkles!  I heart Stickles.

Whew…I might get something from Santa if I remember to flip the sign to “Nice” tomorrow night.

So, that was three layers of “Nice”  in black, green and red.  See Santa?!  I was 3 LAYERS OF GOOD! I used Zip Dry Paper Glue to write “Nice” (and naughty) on the lettering and then I used (gasp, sputter) GLITTER.  The bane of my existence.  I love the way it looks, but it always ends up in my eye.

My youngest DS is going to lose his mind if I leave the sign on “Naughty” much longer.  Tomorrow morning, we’re all nice, all day.  I promise, Santa.


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