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Veteran’s Day Gypsy & Cri-Kits Gel Pen Soldier

In honor of Veteran’s Day, I’ve made a quick video using the Stand and Salute Cricut cartridge (which I LOVE).  I’m also using the Cri-Kits gel pens (which I also love).

Thank you to all who serve!

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  1. Loved your soldier man and the use of the Cri-Kit gel pens. Also loved your little stamp on your expression .CUTE!!

  2. Love the tutorial. I have never tried the gel pens but I love how you can do fine details instead of trying to cut it. Will have to try!

  3. Joy,
    I love your soldier man. I have got to get me some of those pens. They seem like they would work so much better than the cricut markers.
    Thanks for sharing

  4. What a great project!! I had no idea how the pens worked in the cricut but now they are on my wish list – thanks for sharing!

  5. What a cool project with so many applications available. I’m glad you showed the gel pens upclose. I wasn’t happy with the pens making the squiggly lines as the housing moved but I guess that is a universal problem. And it still looks great on yours! I’ll have to give my felt pens (as I don’t have the gel pens) another try with a less critical eye 🙂

  6. I have this cartridge but have only used it once. I am going to have to look at it more closely now! I’m going to hop over to the Cri-kits site now. Ummmm, do I put this on my list for Santa? We’ll see……

  7. Great soldier and so appropriate for today. I went to a veteran’s day program at my son’s school today and took plenty of pictures. This would be a great way to scrap it, thanks for sharing! I love your heart my bug stamp, that’s the first thing I saw in your video and thanks for telling me where it came from, it looks great! (Your stamps are on my wish list!)

  8. I have never tried the pens, ever. I may give it a try this weekend when I get more time to play with my expression and the pens. Thanks for your video and have a great day!

    Gina L.

  9. GREAT Veterans Day project!! I must have some of those pens! I have the cartridge…. the pens will be a great addition!! Thanks Joy!

  10. My new gypsy should arrive soon and a soldier ornament honoring my son in law is now on my to do list. Thank you for the great ideas.

  11. Joy, I love the Stand and Salute cart, too, as well as the Cri-Kits gel pens. Great little video and project.

  12. Oh, Joy. That is just the sweetest soldier! I have this cart and will definitely use it more often. The Cri-Kits pens are on my Christmas List! Loved the video…I learn so much from them. Thanks!
    thomfam at inreach dot com

  13. Great project. But you are making m Christmas wish list grow to impossible lengths. every time you do a project, I decide I absolutely “must have” what you are using. Now I NEED these pens.

  14. Love this Joy, would love to get this cartridge and make pages of my husband while he was in the Navy.
    angel hugs

  15. Wow this sure draws better than it cuts at this size, a great cut for all those military projects. I have plenty of those to make with my eldest son serving and my youngest waiting to go in next September.
    Kim xXx

  16. Thanks for the idea, I’m going to look into this because I think it will make a nice card for a coworker whos son just enlisted.

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