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Gross Halloween Food – Earwax Qtips

Ok, I told you I was going to show you some gross Halloween food.  Yes, I served this at DS#2’s b’day.  Yes, I know it’s gross, but it was a HUGE HIT!  And…actually fairly tasty.

Relax – It’s Mini Marshmallows & Melted Caramel

Relax – It’s Mini Marshmallows & Melted Caramel

These disgusting, but tasty little treats are made with mini marshmallows stuck on either end of a lollipop stick and then dipped in melted caramel.  Easy, but nasty looking.  Perfect for a Halloween themed little boy b’day.  We also served them in a Q-Tips box…for further gross factor.

I wanted to show you more photos of other Halloween food I’ve made, but this is all I have time for today.  Grrr…I have to go get new tires put on DH’s car.  I take care of house and autos…and he brings me money.  That’s a fair trade, I guess.  Now, if only I could drop the my taking car of the house and autos part of that trade…it would be SWEET!  LOL

Have a great day!  I’ll do more Halloween food on the next post, I promise!!




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