A Breath of Smart, Fresh Air - Holmes Smart Air Purifier Update #Holmes #SmartAir #AirPurifier #EnglishMastiff #WeMo

We’ve spent the last three weeks using the Holmes® Smart Air Purifier and we LOVE it!  When my husband told me that he thought we’d really enjoy having one, I just didn’t think so.  I didn’t think that I would be able to tell any difference in the air.  I was wrong.

A Breath of Smart, Fresh Air - Holmes Smart Air Purifier Update #Holmes #SmartAir #AirPurifier #TuxedoCat #WeMo

We have a cat who has two litter boxes in our house.  One is (this is so gross) in a room near the front door because he decided he was going to go the bathroom there whether there was a box or not…so we added a box.  Ugh.  Nasty.  Anyway, it’s there.  So when he does his business it’s not the best greeting to whomever happens to be at the front door.  That being said, I have noticed an enormous difference since using the Holmes® Smart Air Purifier.  I seriously don’t smell it.  Now, I’m not standing right on top of the box sniffing but if someone comes to the door or in the house they don’t smell cat and neither do I.  That’s soooo much better than it used to be!

In my last post, I told you about how you can adjust the Air Purifier using WeMo technology.  It’s so great because you can change settings, and control it all from anywhere via the app.

A Breath of Smart, Fresh Air - Holmes Smart Air Purifier Update #Holmes #SmartAir #AirPurifier #WeMo

For example, if you know that your son is coming home and dropping all of his wrestling gear on the dining room table every day at a certain time, (Yes, youngest child, I’m talking about YOU!) you might enjoy being able to remotely adjust the fan to the high setting.

A Breath of Smart, Fresh Air - Holmes Smart Air Purifier Update #Holmes #SmartAir #AirPurifier #WeMo

Frankly, you might enjoy being able to remotely adjust the fan even if you’re at home because after sports items = yucky.  You can do that from the APP.  If you forget, don’t worry the WeMo app will notify you when your air quality is poor.  If you put it on Auto, it will adjust for you.  Yes, do that.  Please!  LOL!

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Holmes Products for IZEA. All opinions are 100% mine.

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  1. Congrats to the winner! So nice hear your review after using this for 3 weeks!
    Although I did not win – It is on my list of “good things to consider” when the budget allows!
    Thanks for the update, Joy!!

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