
Improve Your Air from Anywhere with Holmes Smart Air Purifier – GIVEAWAY

You can improve your air from anywhere with Holmes Smart Air Purifier using your smart device!  #Giveaway #Holmes #ad #smarthome #airpurifier

Our family is full of two things: pets and allergies.  We love our pets and do our best to keep up good cleaning routines to control pet dander but it’s a battle.  We’re always looking for ways to live more comfortably and simply and still keep our allergies in check.  We just started using the Holmes® Smart Air Purifier and I could tell a positive and improved difference right away.

You can improve your air from anywhere with Holmes Smart Air Purifier using your smart device! #Giveaway #Holmes #ad #smarthome #airpurifier

Not only does the air smell cleaner but I love knowing that it also acts as a first line of defense for allergies and other respiratory ailments by removing the airborne micro particles that cause so much discomfort.  With flu season in full effect, managing the spread of germs within our home is very important!  Air purifiers can reduce harmful airborne germs that are stagnant in the home during the winter, including cold and flu viruses.  Thanks air purifier!

You can improve your air from anywhere with Holmes Smart Air Purifier using your smart device! #Giveaway #Holmes #ad #smarthome #airpurifier

Something I like about the Holmes® Smart Air Purifier is that you can run it and adjust the settings from the WeMo app when you’re away from home.  How cool is that?!  So cool!  Here I was using it while outside with my dog, Saban.

It even notifies you when your air quality is poor and when it’s time to change your filter.  Set it to fit your needs whenever you want, wherever you are all through the WeMo app.  WeMo comes in handy during life’s We Moments – A “WeMoment” is the feeling of relief in being able to adjust your technology to better your life.  I give a thumbs up to that!

You can improve your air from anywhere with Holmes Smart Air Purifier using your smart device! #Giveaway #Holmes #ad #smarthome #airpurifier

 Smart Home technology is the next big thing in gadgets and WeMo is a major player, pairing simple to use, ingenious products with leading brands that let you control and adjust home electronics from anywhere using your smartphone or tablet and the WeMo app.  Go to Holmes Products and learn more about the the Holmes® Smart Air Purifier and the other WeMo Holmes products.

Awesome Giveaway!

I’m excited to share that Holmes is letting me give away a Holmes® Smart Air Purifier to one lucky winner!  Woo hoo!  Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Holmes Products. All opinions are 100% mine.

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  1. I like that it would notify me when the air quality is poor and when it’s time to change the filter.

  2. Thank you for offering this giveaway. With a dog and extreme allergies and a limited income, it would be a blessing for someone like me to win!

  3. Boy could I use this. With 2 cats, I’m always afraid my air quality isn’t good. This would put my mind at ease. Thanks for the opportunity to win one.

  4. Thanks for sharing.. This looks like something we could use.. We have 4 indoor cats and 2 dogs.. My husband has bad allergies and can’t handle the plug in air fresheners.. This might work.. LisaMH

  5. With all my animals I really could use this purifier. I have started to have allergies late in life, anything to help make my eyes better makes life better all the way around.
    Thanks for the chance for this give a way!

  6. Oh how cool to win this! I have 2 cats and it sure would be helpful, not to mention for
    seasonal allergies!
    I love you can control it from a phone app! Thanks for the chance to win!
    PICK ME, PICK ME! (lol)

  7. I think it is wonderful that you can control from the smart app~~ And to be able to keep your air pure so simply!

  8. I would
    Love to win this for
    My sons room! He suffers from Asthma and this would help so much!!!

    Thank you for the chance to

  9. I would love one of these. I am on oxygen 24/7 . I often thought that one would help . What a wonderful give away.

  10. wow have those gotten better or what over the years. I had an old round one monster size one and lost it in an electric went off. got to check into them again.

  11. Winning the Holmes Air Purifier would enable me to save LOTS of money on tissues, and keep my ‘love sponges’ on my lap! My hubby is so tired of hearing me clear my throat and blow my nose. Having the ability to control it from my phone would be soooooo convenient, too!

  12. I like that we might actually be able to get a dog! If I won, I would test the Holmes Smart Air Purifier at my MIL’S house with her dog, to see the effects on my husband. 🙂

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