
Cricut Lite Cupcake Wrapper Cartridge Butterfly Wrapper Project Video

For a standard size cupcake, try using the “fit to length” button and cut at 8 inches.

Cupcake Wrapper Socks Project from Easter Cartridge

Sweet Treats Cupcake Wrappers

How to Label Cricut Lite Tri Folds

Ok, Now Who Wants a Cupcake? Β ME Β ME!! πŸ˜‰ Β And to further add to your cupcake desires. Β Check out this Martha Stewart Cupcake book! YUM!

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  1. hey Joy!!!! I haven’t be able to find any lites in my wm’s but i did not have this one on my wish list either…thanks to you I will have to add it too, lol. didn’t think will like it….WRONG!!!!!!. its beautiful and i love it comes with the topper images too.

    1. Hey Flowerdisco! I just think that cart is beautiful too. πŸ™‚ I had no idea it came with toppers until I opened it. I’m stunned at how intricate and pretty the designs are and I cannot believe that I was able to cut all that with the settings all the way up. That’s an impressive design! Have a great day! πŸ™‚

  2. LOVE this cartridge as I wasn’t to sure… so.. onto adding this to my never ending list of NEEDS.. yup. needs instead of just wants… LOL LOVE your videos!

  3. Hi! I found your site on youtube. I was looking for info. on the Cricut Cupcake Wrapper cartridge. Where can I buy it!! I need it asap! I can’t find it online at Cricut or Wal Mart. Someone posted that it is a Wal Mart exclusive product? I will be adding this site to my “Favorites” Thanks, Joy!

  4. Had to go buy this cartridge after I saw you use it! Thanks I get so much inspiration from you!!!

    1. Thank you MissMichelle! πŸ™‚ That’s so nice.
      I hope you have fun with that cartridge. It’s so pretty!

  5. Just got this cartridge but I have a problem. My eyes aren’t the greatest and I can’t make out what the designs are. The images are to small. I tried enlarging the guide sheet when I printed it but they got all distorted. Until I can see the designs I can’t even use the cartridge πŸ™
    Does anyone know if I can get a larger image sheet?
    Thanks for any help.

  6. I thank you and these old eyes thank you!!
    Your blog is just the best.
    Thank you for all the work you put into it for all of us!!

  7. I really enjoyed this video, but now I am SO jealous! It may be difficult for you to get access to all the stuff in Walmart in the South, but it’s IMPOSSIBLE for those of us living outside the USA.

    My daughter makes fabulous cupcakes, and I would love this cartridge, but I guess I’ll have to wait until I travel to the US, which may be a year or two – by then it will probably have been discontinued!

    Seriously, I love your blog, and will be back to look again, soon.

    1. Thanks Eileen! πŸ˜‰
      Very true…you have it much worse being outside the US and wanting those exclusive WalMart carts. I hope they’ll remedy that! <>

  8. Joy, help I just recently purchased the expression. I also havethe CC wrapper cartridge. I am just baking reg. Size CC but my wrappers are coming out way to large. I wanted a gray one, so I hit shift and set on 2 1/2 ” it cam out huge and way to tall. Can the height be adjusted I am getting very frustrated. Please help. I have to do cc for a baby shower in a few weeks. I wish these cartridges came w/ instructions.

    1. Sweetgrl1963,
      That cartridge is such a PAIN in the NECK with it’s crazy sizing. For a regular sized cupcake try this: Press “Fit to Length” and cut at 8″ for a regular sized cupcake wrapper. For mini cupcakes, I’d try 4″ first as a test. πŸ˜‰

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