Let’s get ready for football! (Curious about the singing heart? I made that here.)
Today I’m making a 6″ vinyl football player for a friend. She wanted this image from the Cricut Expression 2’s Decals cartridge, but she doesn’t have a CE2. This is one of the cartridges that comes pre-loaded on the CE2, so I’m happy to help her out. 🙂 If you like these little stick figure guys and don’t have a CE2, look online for the recently discontinued Cricut Car Decals Cartridge . It’s not exactly the same, but it is close.
Need vinyl? I like to buy mine from Expressions Vinyl.

Here’s the screen of the CE2. I love that it shows exactly where it will cut on the mat. The CE2 has preset vinyl settings, but they are wrong. I use the same settings I teach you in my Cricut Vinylology DVD. They work great!

I’m using a white outdoor vinyl that I purchased from Expressions Vinyl.com.

There’s our little football player all weeded and covered in transfer tape. Now he’s ready for shipment to my friend as well as being prepared for adhering to her car. YAY!

Do you want to learn all about using vinyl with your Cricut? Check out my Cricut Vinylology 2 Disc 3+ hour DVD. It’s full of information and projects to help you learn to be an expert using vinyl with your Cricut! Click HERE to go to my Products Page so you can order yours.
Leave a comment on this post to be entered to win a….
$25 Gift Certificate for Expressions Vinyl.com!!!
Thanks to Expressions Vinyl.com for donating this great prize! You can never have enough vinyl!
I’ll post the winner here on June 27, 2011. Good luck!!
Jingle Says:
June 20th, 2011 at 9:50 AM e
That looks really cute! Thanks for the chance to win!
BE SURE TO COME BACK TOMORROW FOR THE 1st of a 3 part “Surprise Topic” series.
I have yet to do too many projects with my vinyl. I only purchased a small amount so I could experiment before I tried anything substantial. You give me lots of encouragement to just go for it! Thanks!
nginerd at gmail dot com
Can’t wait to find some time to try cutting vinyl. Thanks for the giveaway.
So cute! I have never used vinyl but have always wanted to give it a chance. Thanks for the giveaway!
THanks for the chance to win joy! Ive never had vinyl! It would be fun to play with!
[email protected]
Very cute. Thanks for the cartidge tip.
I love it!
I LOve to shop at Vinyl Expressions so winning this would be AWESOME! I also wanted to tell ya I read throught your money saving tips….. Loved it! I actually do some of the same ones as you! But some I didn’t know about! So THANKS for this great info! 😉
Hey Scrapper69,
I’m so glad my money saving tips gave you some new ideas! 🙂 Thanks for letting me know you liked it. 🙂
What an adorable little footballer…I too love vinyl. I am missing my crafting time–hope my new babies start sleeping better so I can return. 🙂
I have been looking for help with the vinyl lettering cutting. Thanks for your super instructions.
What a cute idea!
Awesome as always. I have been wanting to try Expressions -thanks for the giveaway!
Im going to have to make these for my car! I love expressions vinyl!!
Oh that football boy is so cute. I have not seen the CE2 that was my first look. FANCY!!!
Joy, you enabler you! Vinyl is just something I am getting into. I have only made a few projects with it. It is really en”JOY”able!
I would love to win that gift cert for Vinyl!! I’m so addiccted to it and I want to get the car decal cartridge too!! The football player is too cute!!
Super cute! I love seeing the families on the windows of cars these days and always want to find a way to make my own. This would be great!
I think I have a vinyl addiction! It’s a great addiction!!!!
that little guy is soooo cute! vinyl is so easy to become addicted to! Just like stickles! haha
will look great in team colors also !!!! Great job and ty for chance to win!!!!