Let’s get ready for football!  (Curious about the singing heart?  I made that here.)

Today I’m making a 6″ vinyl football player for a friend.  She wanted this image from the Cricut Expression 2’s Decals cartridge, but she doesn’t have a CE2.  This is one of the cartridges that comes pre-loaded on the CE2, so I’m happy to help her out. 🙂  If you like these little stick figure guys and don’t have a CE2, look online for the recently discontinued Cricut Car Decals Cartridge .  It’s not exactly the same, but it is close.

Need vinyl?  I like to buy mine from Expressions Vinyl.

Here’s the screen of the CE2.  I love that it shows exactly where it will cut on the mat.  The CE2 has preset vinyl settings, but they are wrong.  I use the same settings I teach you in my Cricut Vinylology DVD.  They work great!

I’m using a white outdoor vinyl that I purchased from Expressions Vinyl.com.

There’s our little football player all weeded and covered in transfer tape.  Now he’s ready for shipment to my friend as well as being prepared for adhering to her car.  YAY!

Do you want to learn all about using vinyl with your Cricut?  Check out my Cricut Vinylology 2 Disc 3+ hour DVD.  It’s full of information and projects to help you learn to be an expert using vinyl with your Cricut!  Click HERE to go to my Products Page so you can order yours.


Leave a comment on this post to be entered to win a….

$25 Gift Certificate for Expressions Vinyl.com!!!

Thanks to Expressions Vinyl.com for donating this great prize!  You can never have enough vinyl!

I’ll post the winner here on June 27, 2011. Good luck!!


Jingle Says:
June 20th, 2011 at 9:50 AM e
That looks really cute! Thanks for the chance to win!

BE SURE TO COME BACK TOMORROW FOR THE 1st of a 3 part “Surprise Topic” series.

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  1. Super cute! I love Expressions Vinyl! It is about time for me to order some more. Thanks for the chance to win!

  2. ummm, really cute football player, BUT it would have been even cuter if he were a Clemson Tiger football player.

  3. LOVE your cricut vinylology DVD’s – takes the “fear” out of playing with vinyl! Thanks for offering a great prize giveaway! Would love a chance to win.

    1. I’m so happy to hear that my Cricut Vinylology DVD’s took the fear out of playing with vinyl for you Evelynh!! That’s so great! 🙂

  4. Awesome decal. Thanks for the opportunity to win! I love Expressions Vinyl but I have not tried the outdoor vinyl.

    Marijo aka Scraptastic Grammy
    mjs1199 at cox dot net

  5. I love this cart!!! Need to make one for my son, he just started playing football. Wishing I could bubble wrap him for his games. LOL!! TFS!!

  6. Yay football! And yay vinyl! Must check out site, as I need more vinyl actually.

    katie dot nobles at gmail dot com

  7. I love this cartridge and I”ve been wanting to make some car decals but wasn’t sure where to get outdoor vinyl. Thanks for sharing about this company.
    papermemories4u@ yahoo.com

  8. I would LOVE to win this! I watched your vinyl videos all day on Saturday! I can’t wait to be done with school and give all of the vinyl and etching techniques a try!
    [email protected]

  9. this is a great give away, I buy 90% of my vinyl from vinyl expressions. Need to buy more outdoor vinyl…like you said, you can never have too much.

  10. Just getting started, so definitely would appreciate some vinyl! Love all your work and have already learned so much from you!

  11. Joy you are a great friend, how nice of you to do this for her. The decal looks great and thanks for the chance to win some vinyl.
    Kim xXx

  12. Love all of your vinyl projects! Thanks for the chance to win — I really need more than just black and white vinyl.

  13. Your DVD’s really helped me with several projects. I too love working with vinyl! And, I love Expressions Vinyl. They’re so affordable!

  14. I have been drooling over the Expressions Vinyl forever!! Having been unemployed for 2 years, my scrapping purchases have been greatly curtailed! This would be a blessing to have! I have great ideas to use the vinyl for a nice saying in my bathroom downstairs.

  15. You are sooo right! You can never have enough vinyl, I’m always finding something I want to make with it. Lovin’ your E2, wish I had one…maybe Santa will bring me one!

    skcactusflower75 at hotmail dot com

  16. Cute decal! LOVE using vinyl and Expressions Vinyl is where I order from. I need more!

  17. This is sooo cute! I really want to learn how to use vinyl but I have been a little intimidated. I just don’t know where to start but I am getting up my nerves to try….lol

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway. Would love to win!

    Nicole T.
    [email protected]

  18. Cute decal! Thanks for sharing your ideas and your talents with us. Thanks for a great giveaway!

    scrapbooknut67114 at gmail dot com

  19. So cute! You have inspired (and taught) me to try vinyl, and I love it. Would love to get a supply, so thank you for the giveaway!!!

  20. I need to get over my “fear” of vinyl and just try it. Thanks for a chance to win so vinyl.

  21. I love making things with vinyl. Its so easy and a great “WOW” factor!!!!!

  22. Love your blog thanks for the tutorials. the football player is so cute. thanks for the chance to have more vinyl- just started to use it!

  23. Love the football player and vinyl…I love monogramming with vinyl! Thanks as always for a chance to win!

  24. Always love your vinyl projects. I would love to win so I could make some fun projects also.

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