Simply Charmed Cricut Cartridge

Yep.  Another one!  This is the Simply Charmed Cricut Cartridge.  I have to say…I LOVE that hot dog!  🙂  I’ll use my Joy’s Life “Lots of Pun” stamps all over this cart!!  Hey, I offer 1st class shipping now too! Whoo hoo!!


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  1. This cartridge is adorable…. and your right, your stamps would work great with some of these images! Can’t wait to see your creations. 🙂

  2. Oh goodness, there’s TONS of content on this cart that is useful! Finally a chunky pair of scissors! I love the pizza. the santa, the tie, the… oh I love everything about this cart!

  3. On the cricut site this says it is not available instead of coming soon. Does that mean that this cartridge is an exclusive? if it is, does anyone know where it will be available? This is one of those must haves!

    I love that little pizza and cherry pie! This cartridge could be used often!!!

  5. This is my 2nd favorite of the newest releases…there seems to be a little bit of everything here. Love those little penguins!

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