Roll Tide Alabama Cricut Expression…

Ok, I’ve got a lot of stuff to do today, but I had to take time out to fan the flames of football rivalry because a Georgia fan had the audacity to suggest to me that I put some Georgia decals on Dean (my red Cricut Expression).  Can you even believe that?!!  Are you just reeling with shock?!!  Me too!  I mean are pigs flying?  Hold on.  I’ll go look out the door.  <<shuffling to door in my too big off brand Crocs>> I’m back!  Nope.  It’s just rain.  So…I guess the world isn’t coming to an end…so….there’s no way I’m putting Georgia or any other team on my Dean Cricut Expression.  Well, any team other than the best team EVAH!!

Derr derr der der derr derr derr derr…(Oh, that’s me doing this humming thing to “Go Alabama Crimson Tide” and when I do it I use Derr…I don’t know why.)

So…Dean and I were going to make some stuff for you today, but IDK if I’ll have time.  I’m trying to decorate for Christmas AND I need to go by some milk and stuff to make DH’s chili.  YUM!  I crave the chili today.  So…Priorities win…chili…then Dean.

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  1. Omg you got a red expression. I so wanted a GREEN one. I finally got a few extra bucks but everywhere was SOLD OUT!!! I was not able to go early cuz both my kids had colds and it was COLD outside. Joanns was SOLDOUT also of thier small ones. But I must of had a angel on my shoulder that talked to me and told me that Walmart price matches so go get thier small one. I DID!!!! Got the small Cricut for $74.88 at Walmart. YAY!!! So EXCITED! I am working on a project with Mickey right now. So excited!!! Can’t wait for your Google to reach 100. I so need a new tool…LOL your stuff like always. And I tried the ink on the cuttlebug folder. So CUTE!!! Thanks for all your ideas.

    1. You got a great deal with that price match!! YAY!! I can’t wait to give away the Crop A Dile Big Bite. That thing is AWESOME!! 😀 Plus, it’s PINK! I don’t even have a pink one for myself. Mine is safety cone orange. Oh well. 😛 I’m glad the ink on the Cuttlebug folder worked out for you. I LOVE that technique! Thank you for being part of my site! I’m glad you’re here! 🙂

  2. I am too. Love all your FUNNY information that you share with us. You life is apart of mine 🙂 Now I need to add my name to my Cricut 🙂

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